Saturday, November 13, 2010

You will be rewarded with what you think and want

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

Baba, the ocean of mercy said that you will experience the same of what you think and want. One may say outwardly many things, but when they are unable to follow what they say, definitely the result is based on not what they say outwardly but what they think and feel inwardly.

So we need to think positively and maintain the synchronization between, the thought, word and deed, then only we can quicly reach baba and even baba helps us in every work of ours in our daily lives.

Let us give a serious thought about this, what baba wants from us. There are three things involved to make us successful in any sphere of life or activity we do i.e thought, word and deed.  Initially we get some idea or thought which is abstract in nature. Secondly we can express about the idea in words. Finally we work on the idea we got and the words we express about the idea. The end result is either success or failure which depends on  what is the level of synchronization we maintained between the three things thought,word and deed. Even baba showed the same thing throughout his life in shirdi by actions rather than by words.

Sai has always clarity in his thought, the same was expressed in his words and actions, which he always followed and made others to follow. The classic example for this can be taken as the shej aarti which started in shirdi on 10/12/1910. Initially baba was reluctant for the shej aarti but once the aarti was started, he never allowed it to be stopped and till date this continues in shirdi. In a way Baba showed us how one needs to do guru seva in the case of jawahar ali. When jawahar ali came to shirdi and claimed that baba was his chela, and he was his guru, baba never showed any disregard and remained as his chela inspite of knowning everything. This clearly shows that baba was seeing everyone and everything as the form of his guru which made him treat jawahar ali with respect. Also this is the reason which made baba stick to shirdi when he can have settled anywhere in this big world. His guru samadhi was in shirdi, and baba never wanted to leave his guru sannidhi.

Anyone who can have clarity in thought, word and deed will definetly be helped by baba in their materialistic as well as spirtual practices without any doubt.

Whoever is reading this by the grace of sai understand this and implement it in their lives to be fruitful by the grace of sai.

 Loka Samastha Sukhinobavanthu, Sarve Jana Sukhinobavanthu
Om Santi Santi Santi
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

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