Saturday, November 13, 2010

Look to me and I will look to you

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

Baba said look to me and I will look to you. Various questions arise in mind regarding this. When we claim that baba is sarvantaryami and he knows everything and he is everywhere in all forms. Even when one says and feels that baba is right in his heart in the form of his antaratma, then what is baba trying to say that "look to me and I will look to you".

Let us try to understand the inner meaning of what baba really wants from us. A famous quote says that even a mother will not give until asked for something. In this scenerio baba knows everything and is always with us and more than a mother. Baba is such a lovable mother as big as an ocean of mercy, where he always took care of us, taking care of us and always takes care of us. He was there and is there and would be there forever with us. But the problem is that we are unaware that baba is with us. The human mind cannot recognise and always wants proofs and experiences.

As a short story goes, once man wanted the proof  that god was always with him, god said my child you can always see that there are pair of steps besides yours which are mine indicating that I am always with you. Man always checked at various circumstances that the second pair of steps were there or not. Once it happened that the man underwent a lot of turmoil  and diffuclty in his life and checked whether god was with him or not. To his surprise he found only one pair of steps for which he got very much disappointed and questioned God, how come there is only one pair of steps which indicate that you have deserted me  during my difficulties, for which god answered that my child the steps which you are seeing are mine only, I have taken you onto my shoulders to mimize the troublesome period which you were unable to walk.

The reality is always like this, we try to look from our dimension and come to conclusion without knowing the actual reality. The reality is always that baba is with us, only we are unable to recognise it and only we are unaware of it. Simply we cant deny fact because we are unaware of it and we could not see it. Say I am unable to see the magnetic force of the earth, I cannot deny its existence. Say somebody could not show their pain when they are hurt, I cannot deny that they dont have pain. Just because, I cannot see the mind of someone, I cannot say or conclude that they are mindless. If somebody is trying to simply deny or argue without knowing the reality, they are only at loss. Intelligent thing is that we should always try to know the reality when someone is trying to explain it.

Baba wants us to turn over thought, word and deed towards him. Instead of wasting our thoughts in useless things we can definetly think positively and constructively. Instead of speaking bad about others and involving in gossips and other useless chats, we can tell stories about baba and discuss the leelas of baba . Instead of doing some activity which is of no use to anyone, we can definetly do seva to sai at various levels such as physical level, emotional level, spiritual level etc. Because baba is everywhere once we start looking from this perspective that  everything is prevailed by baba and baba is everywhere, we will definitely get the indications from baba that he is watching us and helps us at every step.  This entire process helps us in reaching baba and knowing him.

For the same thing baba encouraged the nine ways of devotion.Any one can choose his interested path of devotion and proceed ahead. This is just like the different ways to reach a single destination. Participating in aarti, doing annadan, helping someone in need, being a moral support for needy person etc. can be anything.
But the main thing, is not getting attached to the activity with the "I", i.e we should not forget our duty or whatever the activity we are doing, we should not leave it mid-way, nor we should be idle by not doing anywork. We should do our duty or any activity which we accept with total focus by not being attached to it. We should think that we are doing this for the sake of baba, baba has given the strength to do this work, and the result is left to baba. We should only be concerned in doing the activity 100%, not about the result of the activity.

When we change this perspective in every work of us including baba in it. Then baba will shower his blessings in such a way that we cant even imagine it. That is the mercy of sai and the meaning of the above lines.

Whoever is reading this by the grace of sai understand this words of baba and get benefited in their lives and reflect the words of  baba in their words, behavior and actions of their life.

 Loka Samastha Sukhinobavanthu, Sarve Jana Sukhinobavanthu.
Om Santi Santi Santi.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

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