Friday, October 9, 2015

Baba's Blessings - Our Awareness

A question arised in the mind, are we really aware of the blessings showered by Baba on us? What is that which makes us have the awareness that baba has showered his grace and blessings on us.

No doubt that he is having the atrributes of omniscience (infinite knowledge), omnipotence (unlimited power), omnipresence (present everywhere), omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary existence, still are we able to have the awareness of his atrributes. 

So probably there might be various categories of people, firstly who are really aware about his attributes and enjoying the grace and blessings with awareness and the second category who might not be aware but still have some blind faith that he is going to protect them and they just need to surrender to him, thirdly they had some initial experience with baba when they have sincerely prayed but they dont have the awareness or the belief on baba absolutely and expect some sort of proof or evidence or some sort of miracle to believe the godly attributes of baba. So there is no question discussing about the people who are having the awareness, these are like the intelligents and distinction students in a class, nothing to worry about them, they can definetly pass with flying colours. The second category of people also some how manage to pass because they are blindly believing but believeing 100%. so, nothing to worry about this segment also. The problem is only with the last category of people who neither have awareness nor have belief. The discussion is also about this category of people only.

When we do not have the necessary awareness, then how can we believe that he will save us from our present difficulties. When I pray baba for something, how should I know that he had blessed  me and had granted me something which is good for me. Because we (most of the people not everyone) are leading our lives basing on our mind. And mind always seeks proof or evidence. Whenever something happens which mind cant digest or accept as normal we consider it to be a miracle. Because the present world is accepting things basing on the science. Every action we look from the dimension of science. Thats the reason the present day well educated people  are still having vacuum withinside and have broken relationships with their families,neighbours,colleagues,friends etc. Man thinks that he had landed onto moon, found out so many things. But actually speaking he is like a frog in the well which thinks that that is the only world which is existing. Our state is also similar, we are under the assumption that this much is only the world. And we are trying to fit Baba within our limited perspective and our limited knowledge. Thats the main reason why we are unaware and why we dont have belief. When someone says that the world is much bigger than the well in which we are living, we are expecting a proof saying that it is impossible, there cant be any bigger world than this.We dont know, and when someone is saying we are not ready and willing to know. We have come to a conclusion that this is only the world. So what is making us to come to conclusions rather than being open for learning and expanding our knowledge. When Baba himself is saying that he is ready to give the knowledge and his treasure box is always open and any eligible child of  his can take this treasure, why are we not able to believe that his treasure box is full, there is something beyond this world which we are thinking that this is only the world. Baba himself said that he couldnt find any single one whom he can consider his disciple, everyone who is coming to him is asking only for worldly pleasures, but no one is able to understand what he is willing to give. Basing on the words of baba, out of the lakhs of people visiting him, probably there is no eligible person to whom he can give the key of his treasure house. Then the question arises, how to become eligible for what baba wants to give. Again the answer is given by baba in various forms.

In very simple two words, he told Shraddha and Saburi. If one can understand these two words, probably he can will get the answer. Then he had given the 11 assurances, which if one understand can get the answer. Then for those who cannot understand the two words or the eleven assurances, he had given Sai Satcharitra as a reference for any question which arises in our mind. It all depends on at what level we are and what is the perspective we are looking at the situation. Because when we have awareness and when we change our perspective, the same situation might appear differently. This is 100% true with Sai Satcharitra, when we read the same chapters, we understand it in a different way and we get different answers basing on our question and situation in which we are asking the question. And the most important thing is travelling on the path shown by Baba is the final and most important thing to have the awareness and belief in baba. Because mere reading may not help us as much as we follow the words of Baba. Because baba himself had told that out of lakhs of people visiting him only few are getting to the final stage just like a mango tree with lot of flowers may not yield the entire flowers to fruits, most of them fall due to wind etc, some may fall at the next stage only few actually become the fruits. Similar is the case with Baba, even though he is ready to bless us, because of our ignorance or ego or any other reason, we are not sticking to him and leave him in the middle, which is causing us to drop in the middle. 

If we had the awareness of his attributes or his power, we would never leave baba under any circumstances, or atleast we have blind faith in him that he will take care of us under all circumstances and what ever he is doing for our good only then also no problem, but all the problem lies when we dont have neither awareness nor belief and leave in the middle. We are only the losers if we leave Baba in the middle.  Because it always takes time for certain events to happen and they cannot be done faster than that for example if we want the milk to be converted to curd, we just put a drop of curd in the milk and keep aside for a certain amount of time and automatically the milk becomes curd and we cant expect the moment we put curd into milk to become the curd. Similarly the moment we come into contact with baba, we cant expect to reach to the fruit stage or the final stage. Depending on our stage we need to evolve to next higher stages and it needs to be done in a gradual and phasic manner, just like from flower to raw fruit and then to ripe fruit.

In conclusion we can say that under all circumstances we should be associated with Baba either having awareness or with 100% blind faith, and never judge the actions of Baba with our limited knowledge and perspective.

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