Saturday, February 28, 2015

Learn to Look Beyond

Let us try to analyze the words of Baba. Pages will not be enough to write about the analysis. Even then it is not sure that we clearly understood what baba wanted to say. If one says that he  had clearly understood what baba said and implement it in his life. That is the real understanding for the words of baba.

With the limited knowledge we have and with the enormous grace of  Baba on us, let us try to understand the words and then implement it in our life. Once again let us realise and remember that these are  not simple words, but rather the shakti of baba which is blessed upon who reads them, understands them and implements them in their life. For those who dont know about all these, who are not aware and who are not eligible, these are mere simple words like any other simple words from any novel or story book. But for them, who are eligble, who are willing, these are not simple words, but the shakti being transferred from Baba to them. It is like this, the words show their magic on them who are open, who are eligible, who are willing and the same words appear like mere words for them who are close, who are not eligible and who are not willing. That is the greatness of words by Baba.

Once a person comes into the fold of baba, if he can stick to Baba without getting himself deviated from the path shown by baba, then definetly over a period of time, he will become eligible and reach to the stage where he can be blessed with the shakti of baba.

So, Lets begin our analysis and try to understand what Baba is saying. These are not mere words, but like the mantras or the commandments given by Baba. If properly understood and implemented will make us reach our goal.

First Commandment: Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that all what you do is known to Me.
Baba is clearly telling that wherever we may be, whatever we may do, that he knows everything  whatever we are doing. Sometimes we may think that no one is watching us and do mistakes, if we have the awareness that we are never alone and Baba is always watching us, we will never and cant make any mistakes. This assurance of Baba if properly understood helps us in two ways 1) That we are never alone. Baba is always with us watching us. 2) Because Baba is always with us watching us, we can't do any mistakes in our life, because of which we can reach our goal having the awareness that Baba is always with us.  We can get strength to handle all the circumstances in our life, with the courage of Baba being with us. If we have the awareness and believe then Baba will guide us not only in our spiritual pursuits but also in our day to day activities.

 Second Commandment: I am the Inner Ruler of all and seated in their hearts.
One can get a doubt that how can Baba guide us in our day to day activities and circumstances. In this world, everybody is facing some sort of problems. Somebody financial problems, somebody health problems, somebody relationship problems etc. for this only, Baba is giving this commandment. He is saying that he is the inner ruler of all and seated in their hearts. So if we are sincere in our approach to Baba, just as he is seated in our heart and listening to our problem, similarly he is seated in the other person heart also and can guide the other person or transform the other person. But for this to happen, we need to have the belief in commandment1 of Baba that he knows everything whatever we do. So a few things we need to take care. First we should be sincere and honest to Baba in submitting at his lotus feet whatever we do.Second we should be aware and believe that being the inner ruler of all, he knows better about all and what is good for us. Third, because he knows better about us and what is good for us, we should be able to accept his verdict and not let our ego in dictating the results to Baba and force him to listen to our plea and request. At this stage always remember that a child suffering with fever may ask for an ice-cream, but the loving mother will never grant the request of the child, rather give him the medicine which can cure him. Similar is the case with us, we ask for something, which we will feel as a problem, but Baba knows better which is good for us, and he will grant us only that is good for us. At this stage if we judge the actions of baba with our limited knowledge and leave baba, we are only the losers. so intelligent thing is to accept the decision of baba.

Third Commandment: I envelope all the creatures, the movable and immovable world.
In this commandment, Baba is saying that he is wrapping up the entire movable and immovable world. In other words, the entire movable and immovable world is part of him. This means that not even a leaf can be moved without his permission. This is again the supporting for the above two commandments that he is the ruler and knows everything. Because he is the ruler, every atom is a part of him, whether it is having life, or lifeless, whether it is movable or immovable, he can control any part of it. But when will Baba interfere and protect someone. When the person totally surrenders to Baba, and remember Baba then  Baba will definetly interefere and bail out the person from his present situation. We have various instances in Sai Satcharitra as a proof of this. 

Fourth Commandment:  I am the Controller - the wire-puller of the show of this Universe. I am the mother - origin of all beings - the Harmony of three Gunas, the propeller of all senses, the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer.
Baba is saying, I am the controller, the wire-puler of the show of this Universe. That means the entire show is being run by Baba only. With our ignorance and ego we are thinking that we are the doers when actually it is Baba who is the doer and we are just a witness to this show. To actually speak,our part on this stage called as universe, is only to perform exactly what is told by the director (Baba). We are like the puppets in a puppet show where it appears that the puppets are actually doing all the acts, but in reality it is the wire-puller from behind the screen who is actually making these puppets play. Then if we are only puppets, what is making us think that we are the doers and why are we feeling pleasure,pain,trouble,happiness etc. That is only Maya, out of which we are being ignorant. To realise the truth is only getting knowledge and awareness. Because this divine knowledge has to be bestowed by Baba only, we need to seek refuge at his lotus feet, and then he can bless us with the truth. Baba is saying that he is the mother of this universer, the origin of all. He is the creator, he is the preserver, he is the destroyer. Everything comes from him and everything goes into him. He is the beginning, he is the end, he is everything. When everything is Baba only, what we need to do and what is our role. In the next commandment, baba gives an answer for this saying our role is to turn our attention towards Baba.

Fifth Commandment: Nothing will harm him, who turns his attention towards Me, but Maya will lash or whip him who forgets Me.
Baba is showing an easy path to lead a smooth life. Such a simple thing we just need to turn our attention towards Baba. Means what, we need to make Baba as a part of our life. We need to communicate with him. Because he is the ruler and he is sitting inside our heart, we need to tell him all. We need to take his guidance, follow his words, travel in the path shown by him, listen to his stories, chant his name, particiapte in nama saptah, read satcharitra, attend aarti, associate baba in every action of ours. Leave our ego by realising the truth that Baba is the doer. Show gratitude and be thankful to Baba for whatever he is granting us. Having the awareness that he knows better about us and what is good for us. Having trust in the decisions of baba for every question we ask him. Baba is saying that one who turns their attention towards Baba, Maya will never trouble them and it is easy for them to cross this Ocean of life filled with all the things like ego,diesease,trouble,strained relationship etc. For those who forget Baba, they have to fall trap to any one or all of them . The best thing is if we turn our attention to Baba, and he knows ahead of time what is going to happen, at every juncture he will take care in guiding us properly. Then our life journey becomes smooth.

Sixth Commandment: All the insects, ants, the visible, movable and immovable world, is My Body or Form
Somebody might get a doubt that all this is confusing and contradictory. If baba is the wire-puller and the doer. Will I get my bread and butter in front of me without doing any work (or action). Why I am feeling pain and troubled for my actions. Then how Baba is helping me or guiding me. The answer for this is in reality Baba is only the doer, we are just witness. If we are able to have this awareness and realise this truth. Then nothing can trouble us. And yes, Baba will provide us everything. All our troubles,pain etc which we are facing in our life are because of our ego and our ignorance only. And our journey is towards realising the truth and getting the awareness that Baba is only the truth and he is only the doer. so in the last commandment, Baba is saying that all the immovable and movable world is his form only. so what should we do to realise this truth. Every object in this world will have a name and a form. If we practice to look beyond the name and form, then we can identify that there is some thing which is making that object exist. That thing which is making the object exist and do all the actions associated with that object is nothing but Baba. If we can practice to look beyond the name and form, we can see the real truth that is Baba and his form as this universe.

This article is just an attempt to understand what baba said, try to analyse and implement it in our life. If the reader has come to this page, it is not by coincidence, rather he(she) had asked baba some query and baba had redirected them to this page to answer their query. It is not enough to read, understand it but we need to implement it in our life. Then only we can say that we had turned our attention towards baba, else it is all only show off only and we are not sincere in our approach towards baba. We need to self analyze ourseleves. To whom we are making showoff, the one who is the ruler of our inner heart and the ruler of all the hearts in this entire universe. To whom we are telling? The one who knows everything and who is the doer.

Hope by the blessings and grace of Baba, the reader understand this and transform his life by turning his attention towards baba. The first step in this direction is to practice looking beyond the name and form of an object to see Baba.

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