Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Prayer to baba


  1. Let our minds always be fixed upon you.
  2. Let our tongue always chant your name.
  3. Let our ears always listen your name and stories.
  4. Let our eyes always look at your form.
  5. Let our minds meditate upon you.
  6. Let our hands, legs, body be engaged in your seva.
  7. Let there be satcharitra in every home.
  8. Let everyone do parayan alongwith all their family members, relatives, friends.
  9. Let there be peace everywhere.
  10. Let there be harmony among the lives of all people.
  11. Let there love blossom in the lives of all people.
  12. Let there be innocent smiles on the faces of people.
  13. Let there be positivity in the lives of all people.
  14. Let there be welfare in the lives of all the people.
  15. Let there be auspiciousness in the lives of all the people.
  16. Let there be balance in the lives of all the people.
  17. Let us learn to see you among all the living beings of this universe.
  18. Let us learn to see you even among the non-living beings, every atom of this universe.
  19. Let us to have the courage to travel on the path shown by you.
  20. Let us learn to understand your silence.
  21. Let us to have shradhha and saburi in you.
  22. Let us have the realisation that you know better about us rather than what we know about us.
  23. Let us learn to understand your words.
  24. Let us learn to have the wisdom to understand your actions.
  25. Let us learn to realise the hints provided by you to us in various forms.
  26. Let us learn to swim in the ocean of bliss by chanting your name
  27. Let us to learn to have faith in your words and actions under all circumstances
  28. Let we learn to have the balance between raaga and dwesha.
  29. Let us to be in communion with you in all times.
  30. Let us to share all our actions with you whether they are good or bad.
  31. Bless us with  enough strength to walk in the nine paths of  devotion told by you
  32. Bless us to stay with  you under all circumstances. 

Pray for the well being of this universe.
Loka samastha sukhinobavanthu, sarve jana sukhinobavanthu.
Om santi santi santi.

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