Friday, March 21, 2014

Mind and its power

The mind is the real culprit in misguiding a person on his spiritual progress. It makes a person forget who he is and what is his true identity. It always tries to provoke us into all ways/ methods of shortcuts and convenient ideas which are comfortable to us. For example, if a doctor says, dont eat sweets, and when we see sweets, the mind says, just for once, no problem, let us eat the sweets, the heart says, the doctor advised not to eat the sweets for our good health, please dont eat. So always there is a conflict going inside us between our mind and our heart. The wise and good always listen to their heart and the remaining listen to their mind. Even in case of our guru, if we listen to the words of our mind in following the footsteps of our guru, we may land into lot of troubles, though guru protects us, we will lose lot of time in getting realised and come back into the fold of guru.

Then the question arises, what is the best way to get the grace of guru and follow him. In simpler terms, guru resides in our heart, so we need to follow what our heart says, because it none other than our guru who is sitting in our heart and guiding us. He is the charioteer of  our life, like krishna was for arjuna. When this is the scenario and if we really handed over our steering to guru who is driving our life vehicle, then we can be sure and safe enough that we will reach our destination. But if we listen to our mind, and not listening to our heart, then we are bound to invite troubles. Even worse is the case when the guru cautions us in advance and still we consider our mind and our ego, then there is no one to protect us from the troubles which we are going to invite into our life. When the required damage had been done, then again we try to seek the help of our guru/god for protecting us.

Then what is the simple and easy method for not falling prey to our mind. The first thing, not acting immediately on what our mind says. Second take some time to rethink about the pros and cons about what the mind is suggesting. If the result is acceptable to our heart, then we can proceed ahead and act on that. In case we are still in dilemma and unable to come to a conclusion or take a decision. It is better to directly ask our guru. If our guru is having a physical form, then get clearance from him/her or get permission from him/her or get clarity on our doubts. If our guru had taken samadhi like baba or presently not in a physical form, then either his charitra/life history can be a guiding star to resolve our issue. Even we can refer to the life of great personalities and check what they have done under such circumstances and act accordingly. Even we can ask some great personality whom we can trust or who knows better about us and can guide us appropriately. If we really pray whole heartedly, our guru can/will guide us in any form, the only thing we need to develop is to have faith in our guru that he knows better about us, and whatever he does is always good for us, and we need to have patience till the result comes.

Sometimes, the results may not be visible immediately, but over a due course of time, we will realize that whatever had happened was for our good only, because guru is such an ocean of mercy that he can never cause harm to any of his disciples or followers. It is only our limited knowledge and the conclusions given by our mind which will take us away from our guru. But under any circumstances, we should not listen to our mind. If we start listening to our mind, the end result will be a miserable life. Because whatever the mind suggests is always a deceiving thing.

We need to train our mind to always follow our heart or the words of our guru. Upon training it slowly like a small kid who needs to be trained  for discipline, we can get control of our mind to make our life a happy one rather than a miserable one. The mind is the real culprit which tries to make us fall prey for all the things rather than realizing what is good for us. We need to understand the potential of our mind and use it for our betterment. We need to channelize the thoughts of our mind for the good of our individual self and for the good of the society. One who understand the power of mind, will use it in a proper way. We should try to become the master of the mind, not the slave of  the mind.

By the grace of baba, whoever is reading this understand the essence and not fall prey to their mind, rather follow the footsteps of their guru and have a blessed life.

Jai sagduru. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.
Loka Samastha Sukhinobavanthu, Sarve jana sukhinobavanthu.
Om Santhi, santhi, santhi.

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