Thursday, November 29, 2012

Miracle Series - 2- What is the force which is protecting

Today morning a great thing happened. My wife in a hurry to leave for her school, forgot to switch off the stove. She was preparing dosas for all of us and she left the pan on the stove without switching off. My wife works as a teacher in a school where our kids study. Today they were having a picnic schedule conducted by the school. The principal asked her to report half hour early before the scheduled time. She was in a hurry to go to the school. Once they were ready I dropped them at school and returned back. Usually after dropping them at school, I will leave to my office.

Today after coming home, I was about to leave to my office, when I felt that I need to have a cloth to wipe my vehicle. So I was in search of a cloth, then when I found the cloth I it was too big, so again I started searching for the scissors, so that I can cut it appropirately to suit my requirements. Now in the process,I couldnt  find the scissors at the regular place, then searching for it went into the kitchen, when I saw that there were fumes coming from the pan on the stove. Immediately my attention diverted to the fumes and on seeing the stove to be on, immediately switched it off.

A question arised, who made me to stop for a cloth and then a scissor. Which force directed me to search for the scissor in the kitchen. If I wouldnt have stopped for the cloth or the scissor, I would have simply left for my office and the pan on the stove, what might have happened only Baba knows. Once I leave the house, I lock it and my wife has another key. My wife returns back with kids in the evening and me in the night. So there could have been a possibilty for a situation creating a fire accident. Thinking about the possible danger which have been narrowly escaped came out when I saw the picture of Baba. Now the answer came and immediately I understood which force stopped me and which force directed me. If it was not for baba, then the situation itself  is worst to imagine.

At the same time remembered the old story. wanted to share at this time. Once God appeared before man and asked him what do you want. The man asked that always you should be with me and I should be knowing it. so god promised him and told that along with your footprints on the path you travel, you will find my footprints also, indicating that I am always with you. so the man checked and was happy that god was with him in his travel of life journey. After some time, the man started facing troubles in his life and when he checked the footprints, there were only one pair of footprints instead of two. Everyone including his family could not support him in his troubles, he thought that even god has left him alone in his phase of troubles. After quite some time, when he had crossed the phase of troubles, one day he checked and found that again there were two pairs of foot prints. Then he prayed for god, who again appeared. Then man questioned god  "you have not kept up your promise and left me alone in my troubles, I have checked and there was only one pair of footprints".For which God answered, my child those footprints were mine, and I have been carrying you in my hands while you were facing troubles in your life, if not for me, you would have collapsed". The moral of the story is that from our dimension, we come to conclusions very easily.  From the dimension of man, just because he found only one pair of footprints, he thought that god had left him alone, like others. But whereas the actual fact is that those foot prints were of God and he was carrying the man in his difficult times. In this particular scenario, Baba had protected me and my family.  It was nothing but Baba carrying me in his hands in this particular incident. At the end a thought arises, what is human after all? Why all the ego that he is doing everything whereas the fact is he cant do anything and the inner force which is making him do anything is nothing but baba.

But when we have  Baba with us who is always taking care of us and protecting us, then where is the need to fear or worry. Words are less to explain the boundless motherly love of baba. The unforeseen hand of baba is always protecting us. Baba Thanks a lot for protecting me, my family and my neighbours today.  Koti Koti pranams at your lotus feet. I pray at your lotus feet seeking pardon for being careless. Please give enough strength, wisdom so that next time I perform any of the acts with proper care.What else can I do except praying at your lotus feet.

~ A small sand particle at your lotus feet.

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