Fear - the simple four letter word which creates all the havoc in the pathway of our lives. Everyone has some sort of fear. Fear of survival, fear of identity, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of wealth etc. The basic thing which takes us away from the concept of understanding sai is fear. What Sai says is Look for me in all beings, I am there in your heart as well as all the beings hearts. One who has realised me thus has understood and realised me. But the fear makes us ignore this truth, fear makes us not to accept this truth. What fear tells is that I and you are different. This difference creates insecurity which gives rise to fear and make us think and function according to our convenience, according to our will.
This fear will change our dimension of thinking, our behaviour, our attitude, everything. Instead of having faith on Sai, that he is the supreme and he knows well about us, not only our present, but as well as our past and our future, we tend to ignore this fact and start measuring sai within our limited knowledge limits, we start looking to sai with our physical eyes, we ask proofs, we ask for miracles, otherwise we wont believe him.
It is like this, when we have a experienced driver driving a motorcycle, and we are sitting on the back, because of our ignorance, our insecurity, our fear, we start giving suggestions to him, how he need to drive.
It is the same, when we have sai as our life charioteer, still we are unable to handover our steering to him, we are always intervening and giving suggestions to him. By the way of prayers,requests we are asking him with our limited knowledge, when he wants to grace us with abundance. The classic example is by baba himself where he says "Whom can he say as his disciple, he is asking people to take cartloads of wealth available with him, but none of them are eligible and asking only for unwanted stones(desires)"
Let us think for a while and question ourselves. question1) do we have faith in sai that he is the all pervading, and he knows about us better than ourselves. If we answer the above question as yes, then for any next questions which arise, this answer itself is an answer. If we answer as no, then we need to know more about sai, read sai satcharitra again and again, till we know sai.
Let us take some examples to analyse ourselves in a better way. Ex.1) If I have met with an accident, and I think why sai has not saved me, why I need to undergo this trauma of accident followed by hospitalisation, surgery, expenses etc. In what way do I have faith in Sai, when I started doubting him. The "Why" should not be used in a negative way. That is to doubt sai. Why sai has not saved me, rather should be used only in a positive way to ask ourselves, why sai has saved me. Because he knows better about us, he has saved our life. Different are his methods in mending his devotees lifes, different are his ways in teaching his disciples, different are his approaches in erasing the bad karma who follow him. It is as simple as such a kid asking a teacher, why she had beaten him or rather why she asked to write an imposition or why she asked to read a lesson. Does the kid have better knowledge than the teacher. Definetly not. But what is happening, with our limited knowledge, we are gaining ego instead of humility, because of our fear and insecurity we are becoming selfish rather then selfless.
So if we really have faith in sai, then the first point we agree that sai knows everything, without his will not even a single leaf move. Then it implies that whatever is coming our way, it is only by the will of sai, if sai is giving you something - let it be anything, let it be money, riches, troubles, anything. If you have faith in sai, then all are equal. Whether it is positive or negative, you are bound to think that it is given by sai and need to perform. Result has to be left to sai. When the thing which is coming our way is not in our bounds or our control, in what way can we influence the result or outcome of that thing. How foolish it is to think that we have total idea, control of the thing which is coming our way and we can alter it or complete it. Nothing is in our hands, everything is according to his will, the day we understand this , we will never complain for anything in our life. The one who is always complaining in life has not realised this. The day we understand, we will not fear for anything in our life.
To assure everyone that when he is there we need not fear for anything. Baba is giving the assurance "Why fear when I am here". Let us make Sai as our life charioteer and hand over the steering to him, once we have done like this, let us have faith in him, he knows better than us about ourselves. Let us not miss the opportunity of having the complete grace of sai, by asking him for less. Let us take an example for this, we are looking for a job, baba wanted to grace us with a greater position, but out of ignorance we ask him for a smaller position. If we ask, we ask with our limited knowledge, when he gives, he gives with multitude basing on our past, present and future. Just have faith in him and remove all your fears. Let our faith overshadow our fear resulting in realising sai. Let our faith be so strong that there is no instance of fear in us, then that day we are bound to realise sai. Simple logic is when we dont have fear, we dont feel insecure, when there is no insecurity, the entire world appears as one rather than two or more. When this realisation occurs, we dont consider others as different. Others problems will be ours, others happiness will be ours. It is just like this even though the hands, legs ,ears etc of our body seem to be separate and different, but when seen in entirety they are all part of the same body. If there is a pain in some part of the body, the remaining parts can also feel that. similarly even though people appear to be different, when seen from a higher plane such as sai, all are equal and part of the same body called Sai.
The day we realise this, we have realised sai, we have overcome fear and merged with sai. Then there is no two - sai and I. There is only one - Sai, because I has merged into Sai.
Hope everyone understands this by the blessings of sai.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.
Loka Samastha Sukhinobavantu
Sarve Jana Sukhinobavantu
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