Friday, November 18, 2011

God Exists Within

God Exists within. If we turn inwards, we can see God and realise. But the problem is right from our birth we are habituated to look outwards only. Then how can we realise God. What is stopping us from turning inwards. It is nothing but the mind which is stopping us. Let us see the below calculation to easily understand about how to realise God.

God + Mind = Man

Man - Mind = God

So, God exists within ourselves and also the mind is existing within ourself. Mind is invisible, as well god is invisible. One argues that God is invisible, so god is not there. Even mind is invisible, can one claim that he is mindless.

The hindrance in realising the god is nothing but the mind, if one can control his mind and submit it at the feet of God, then automatically  god can be realised. One can understand this with a simple example, God is like a glowing lamp and the mind is like a cover which is blocking the vision about the glowing lamp, once the cover is removed then the glowing lamp illuminates. so as god is visible and illuminates in our hearts when we turn inwards and submit our mind at the lotus feet of the God.

Usually people try to search and look for God outside, but whereas God is there inside. If one can realise the fact that God is inside and similarly inside of every living being around, God speaks through them and they can be at peace and come out of this cycle of birth and death. For those who have realised God, they can find god in every atom of this universe.

This is in summary what Baba had taught all his life. This is what baba wanted to teach everyone. When devotees fed some animal, it was baba who claimed that they have fed him sumptuously. When devotees hit some animal, then baba gave them proof that they have hit him and it was he only who came in that form. Baba told the same thing to devotees when they cried that he was leaving them. Baba told that if you think that sai is this 5 and 1/2 feet physical body, then you have not known and realised sai. One who have realised Sai can find him ever lasting, ever present in the entire universe.

if that was not true, then sai can never remove his devotees troubles after his samadhi. But what we find today is that even after his samadhi ( just as he had given promise in his eleven sayings that his tomb will speak and solve the troubles who ever is coming to the holy land of shirdi ) people are getting relieved of their troubles, getting answered for their questions. People are feeling peace when they go near samadhi. By all this we can say that Sai is God himself.

May everyone understand this truth with the blessings of Shri Saibaba.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

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