Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Question or Answer Which is important

A question arised in mind Which is important Question or Answer.
Some thoughts which went in mind regarding this. Question is only important. Because Answer is a secondary state. Answer comes into picture only after a question being arised. So to get effective answers we need to learn the art of effective questioning. We need to ask the right question to get the right answer. If somebody is not giving the right answer means we have not asked the right question. Say we ask baba something expecting something. Then the answer from baba will be accordingly basing on what we asked for. Then the question arises do we really know what we want? do we really know what we are asking for?
Because we are expecting a solution or an answer from baba regarding our question. Then if we are expecting a good answer, then we should be confident enough to say that we asked the question correctly.

If we are expecting something and didnt get the expected answer, and simply blame it on baba, then we are only at fault. For example, if I want to watch STAR Sports, then I need to tune the channel to that frequency to view the channel. If I am not tuning to that frequency and simply complain that I am not able to watch STAR Sports. Whose fault is it. There is a second option, where we let the device auto tune so as to let us switch to that particular channel. Similaryly, If I know what to ask,I can directly ask and baba will answer to my call. The second option is let baba decide what is good for us. We just need to follow his words, have patience till he blesses us with what he feels is good for us. In a way, actually baba always blesses us what is good for us, though we are aware of it or not. Sometimes, we also will be able to know it. But sometimes it is beyond our knowledge, imagination and perception. At such times, intelligent thing is to just have faith in baba and be patient to let baba take care of things, instead of forcing baba to act according to our limited knowledge, perception and imagination.

The question is important because, only when a question arises, the answers will come. The perceptions will be known. The dimensions for that particular question will come into picture. The discussions can happen on that particular question.Evaluations begin from that point only. There will be action or activity from the point a question arises. Say for example, if some patient is having pain. Anybody can give the answer (solution or remedy ) to remove his pain. But that is possible only after having the questions Why the pain occured.. What are the reasons for pain. How the pain can be cured . Where is the pain occuring. When onwards the pain is occuring etc.

As we can identify that it is a foolish thing to say that I am not able to listen to radio station without tuning it to that frequency, similarly it is a foolish thing to say that baba is not answering my call (or question) without tuning to him. There will be a transmitter transmitting the programs always. Only we need to tune to that frequency to listen that radio station. The transmitter is one, but the radios are many. Similarly for all the people, baba is one. Sai Satcharitra is one. But the questions are many, the answers depends on their circumstances,perceptions and perspectives. It is like in a class, teacher is one, but students are many. Some may become Collectors, some may become managers, some may become clerks etc.  The end results may differ basing on the individual capabalities, perceptions and circumstances. There is no fault from the side of the teacher. The teacher taught the same lesson to all the students. Then why all the students didnt become collectors. The indidivual student has his own personal goal, his own journey, his own circumstances, his own perception, his own capabilities, his own dimension. Similarly Baba is like a teacher in this universe, and we are all like the students in a class. Baba always answers our questions. Only we are not able to understand what he is answering, because we have not tuned to his frequency and complaining that we are not receiving any answer.

If the radio station is not being played on the radio, whose fault is it? should we repair the radio? or should we learn to tune to the required frequency or blame the radio station. In a similar fashion , if we are asking baba a question and we felt that we didnt receive any answer, whose fault is it? should we correct ourselves? or should we learn to understand the frequency of baba ( that is his ways/ his teachings/ his actions from satcharitra etc) or should we blame baba that he is not answering us. Where is the fault and whose fault it is?

Intelligent thing is to realise that we dont know something and we are asking a question. The one who is asking is at a low level, and the one who is answering is at a high level. There is passing down of something from the giver(answer) to asker(question). We dont have it, thats why we are asking it, then whatever the one who is giving it should be accepted with faith on the giver, rather than dictate terms or keep conditions on the giver. It is like a child asking for an ice-cream, when he is having fever. The loving mother will never answer to the request of the child, rather give him a medicine which will cure his fever. Baba is like the loving mother, who always answers us by giving what is good for us, rather than giving what is being asked for.

Hope by the grace of baba, whoever is reading this is able to understand and implement in their life.

Praying at the lotus feet of sainath for the well being of all.
Loka samastha sukhinobavanthu, sarve jana sukhinobavanthu.
om santhi santhi santhi

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