Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Is there any reason why we should not be thankful to baba

A question arised in mind "Is there any reason why we should not be thankful to baba"

Various answers roamed inside the mind. We have probably forget the basics- that we have learnt in our childhood- saying thanks and sorry. We need to say thanks when someone has helped us or extended their service to us. We need to say sorry when someone is hurt because of us whether it is physical or emotional.
Generally we forget when someone has extended their support or provided service or helped us. If some one is really remembering those people who helped them and showing gratitude they are really good. But here we are trying to talk about them who are accepting the help/service/support and forgetting them and not showing their gratitude. Generally we get the realisation of things only when we lose them. Think for a while, is it not baba who has provided us everything. is it not baba who is protecting us, is it not baba who is taking care of us in every aspect of our life. Then how thankful should we be towards baba. What can we offer to baba to show our gratitude, when everything is provided to us by him only. What is ours so that we can offer him. Remember the words of Baba, Baba just expects to have the gratitude towards him leaving our ego. We can know the value of what baba had provided us and what he is providing us only when we dont have them. Intelligent thing is to analyse and realise only when we have the things and show our gratitude rather than getting realisation after those things have been taken back by baba.

We will try to analyse the things so that we can realise the abundant mercy of baba which is showered on us. See those people who are blind or unable to see, you will realise how blessed you are that you are able to see the beautiful world created by god. Why are you using these eyes to watch all the nonsense. Try to use these eyes to see the beautiful form of Baba 

See all those who are unable to speak, you will realise how blessed you are that you are able to talk. why are you using this to speak ill about others. Try to use this tongue to sing the glory of baba, 
See all those who are unable to hear, you will realise how blessed you are that you are able to listen. Why are you using this to listen ill about others, and all nonsense. Try to use this ear to listen to the glory of baba.
See all those who are unable to walk and write, you will realise how blessed you are that you are able to walk and write. Why are you using them for all the wrong purposes. Try to use them to write about the glory of baba and visit the abode of baba.

See all those who are unable to sleep, you will realise, how blessed you are that you are able to have a sound sleep and get up next morning. See all those who have slept and didnt wake up to see the morning, then you will know how blessed you are that baba gave you another chance to see the morning and start your day being thankful.See all those who doesnt have parents, you will know how blessed you are having parents. See those who are childless, you will know how blessed you are being blessed with children by baba. See all those who are suffering with diseases, you will know how blessed you are being blessed with good health. See all those who are jobless, you will know how blessed you are that you are having a job for yourself. See all those who are deprived of something or other in their life, you will know how blessed you are being blessed with whatever you have in your life right now.

The list is endless, the only thing in confirmation is the truth that whatever we are being given right now in our life is by the grace of baba and it is for our good only, whether we know and realise it or not. It is enough for us to believe in this truth and being thankful to baba and show our gratitude by remembering always in our life. The easiest way is to remember baba at every instance, and being thankful- like when we wake up early in the morning, we need to thank baba for giving us another chance to live another day. When we are eating food, we need to thank baba for providing us food, so we should be careful enough not to waste the food we eat- as there are people who dont get food to eat. 

In summary we can say that we are unable to know the blessings of baba for whatever we are having and trying to ask for more. Because of this attitude, we are always in the mode of unsatisfaction, rather than being content and satisfied for what we are being given. Because our attitude is for more which we dont have, rather than being satisfied for what we have. This makes us not being thankful. Once we realise what is already being given, we feel blessed and thankful.

Hope by the grace of baba, whoever is reading this understand this basic truth and feel blessed and be thankful to baba in their life.

Loka samastha sukhinobavanthu, sarve jana sukhinobavanthu. om santi santi santi.

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