Monday, February 21, 2011

Significance of Shirdi


Shirdi, the holy land where Baba stayed physically for sixty years before finally he took mahasamadhi in 1918. Baba said "You cannot enter shirdi without my permission, it is me who draw you to shirdi". It has been proved number of times with devotees that if they plan a trip to shirdi, it is not a possible trip without a call from baba. There are number of instances where baba has not given permission and so many devotees got cancelled their shirdi trip in the last minute. As well there are so many instances where so many devotees unplanned also have been to shirdi to have the blissful darshan and seek the blessings of Baba.

Further Baba said "Once you put your feet onto shirdi , all your sufferings will come to an end". We can find many instances for this in the satcharitra as well as with experiences of various devotees. Its a real boon for those who are suffering with anything such as lack of wealth, lack of good health, lack of peace of mind, lack of children etc. Once they visit shirdi and pray whole heartedly to baba, he will definetly bless them with whatever they ask intially and at later stages without asking also, he will bestow them with what is good for them, such is the kindheart of Baba.

At another instance, Baba said to a devotee that "if you think that sai is only in shirdi with this 5 and half feet human body, you have not understood sai". Those who have realised sai, can feel that he is staying in their hearts only. He is present everywhere in all the forms. Just we need to have the realisation that he is there in all the forms. For this also Baba has given numerous instances that from a dog to a person at various levels with devotees it was He only who tried to save them. A classic example of Mrs.Tharkad, when she offered a roti to a hungry dog, Baba says that she has fed him to  heartful meal.  Another instance when Nana Chandorkar offers a sweet chapati to Baba, He just stares at it, and lot of house flies eat the sweet chapati. Finally Baba asks Chandorkar to take the remaining as His prasad, unable to realise that it was Baba only in the form of house-flies, who has eaten it, Nana gets annoyed , then Baba shows a particular asan which only Nana does and no one knows about it. Then Nana gets confidence that just like He knows everything about him by staying in his inner heart, he is there in all the forms and takes it as his prasad.

By all these we can conclude that Baba is not just limited to shirdi, but he present in everywhere in all the forms.

But the question arises, people are going to shirdi to visit baba, but what brought baba to shirdi? Many a times, Baba said that his gurusthan was there and he was staying in his guru sannidhi, for which he has lit the dhuni and throughout his lifetime, he paid his gratitude to his guru in the form of dhuni fire. Even at later stages those who have treated baba as their guru also stayed back at shirdi or have been called to shirdi by baba. One among them is sivanesan swamiji, who had been called to shirdi by baba and stayed all his lifetime rendering service to baba. Those who realised baba will see him in all and extend their service to him.

Our epics and puranas claim that where ever a mahatma stays for a few seconds, that place is considered to be a spiritually acclaimed place. It becomes a kshetra. People will throng to that place to seek the blessings of that great person. That place will have the positive vibrations of that great person. Who ever visits that place will be definetly blessed with good thoughts. In such circumstances , what can be said about Shirdi, where Baba stayed physically for sixty years. It is the greatest of the spiritual places, where people can get fulfill their desires and put an end to their sufferings with the blessings of Sai Baba.

Whoever is reading this by the grace of baba visit shirdi and get the blessings of baba.

Loka Samastha Sukhinobavanthu, Sarve Jana Sukhinobavanthu 
Om Santi Santi Santi.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

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