Friday, November 18, 2011

God Exists Within

God Exists within. If we turn inwards, we can see God and realise. But the problem is right from our birth we are habituated to look outwards only. Then how can we realise God. What is stopping us from turning inwards. It is nothing but the mind which is stopping us. Let us see the below calculation to easily understand about how to realise God.

God + Mind = Man

Man - Mind = God

So, God exists within ourselves and also the mind is existing within ourself. Mind is invisible, as well god is invisible. One argues that God is invisible, so god is not there. Even mind is invisible, can one claim that he is mindless.

The hindrance in realising the god is nothing but the mind, if one can control his mind and submit it at the feet of God, then automatically  god can be realised. One can understand this with a simple example, God is like a glowing lamp and the mind is like a cover which is blocking the vision about the glowing lamp, once the cover is removed then the glowing lamp illuminates. so as god is visible and illuminates in our hearts when we turn inwards and submit our mind at the lotus feet of the God.

Usually people try to search and look for God outside, but whereas God is there inside. If one can realise the fact that God is inside and similarly inside of every living being around, God speaks through them and they can be at peace and come out of this cycle of birth and death. For those who have realised God, they can find god in every atom of this universe.

This is in summary what Baba had taught all his life. This is what baba wanted to teach everyone. When devotees fed some animal, it was baba who claimed that they have fed him sumptuously. When devotees hit some animal, then baba gave them proof that they have hit him and it was he only who came in that form. Baba told the same thing to devotees when they cried that he was leaving them. Baba told that if you think that sai is this 5 and 1/2 feet physical body, then you have not known and realised sai. One who have realised Sai can find him ever lasting, ever present in the entire universe.

if that was not true, then sai can never remove his devotees troubles after his samadhi. But what we find today is that even after his samadhi ( just as he had given promise in his eleven sayings that his tomb will speak and solve the troubles who ever is coming to the holy land of shirdi ) people are getting relieved of their troubles, getting answered for their questions. People are feeling peace when they go near samadhi. By all this we can say that Sai is God himself.

May everyone understand this truth with the blessings of Shri Saibaba.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Baba and his different forms

A question arises in the mind, when Baba himself had said that he is existing throughout the universe. What is the problem if we go to other teachers and follow what they say. Then another answer comes, it is like this, Baba is like the sea, any one who is like a teacher is like like a river. When we want to reach the sea, we need to go by one river. It is an individual's choice which river he wants to sail through to reach the sea. Rivers are different till they reach the sea, but once they reach the sea and merge into it. There is no question of river and sea. It is called only sea.

So if we have the realisation that river and sea are not different, then which ever river we sail will not create any problem and definetly make us reach to the sea. Of course till we reach the sea, just like the river, we have to traverse through so many mountains,paths,villages,fields, plains,plateaus etc. Just because the river is shallow at some places and furious at some places, if we quit our sail, we may not reach the sea.

Even if we start migrating from one river to another river also, we may not reach the sea. Today I sail on river1 for some distance, then change my mind and sail on river2 the next day. This will not help me in reaching the sea and I will be in the circle of always migration from river to river, but can never reach the sea.

Similarly, I may go to any teacher, if I can see my guru in that teacher, I will realise that there are no two but only one. There is no question of duality. If I am able to see duality, I didnt understood my master correctly. So I need to correct myself and understand the basics once again, that is "He is present in all the forms of this universe". Once we understand this, then there is no question of argument, debate, doubt or anything.

Everything means literally everything even a smallest atom to the largest mountain or anything  has his presence inside it. Without him the Universe itself doesnt exist. There is only One that is Him and the day we realise this, we have understood him and if we are able to see two, we need to work on the basics again.

If one really understands his Guru, then every atom of this Universe will be visible as his Guru only. There is only one and no two. Till one understands this basic, he can go to various teachers and learn from them, just like a bee goes from one flower to another flower to accumulate the honey. Similarly to understand the basic and realise it one can go from one teacher to another treating them as his Guru form only. The day one gets this realisation, then there is no need to go anywhere.

May we understood this basic with the blessings of him.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

Loka Samastha Sukhinobavanthu. Sarve Jana Sukhinobavanthu.
Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Importance of Sai Charitra Parayan

The importance of Sai Charitra Parayan.
When Hemadpant wanted to write sai leelas. He could not himself request baba to grant him the permission and took the help of shyama. Then Baba said, "Let him make a collection of stories and experiences, keep notes and memos; I will help him. He is only an outward instrument. I should write Myself My autobiography and satisfy the wishes of My devotees. He should get rid of his ego, place (or surrender) it at My feet. He who acts like this in life, him I help the most. What of My life-stories? I serve him in his house in all possible ways. When his ego is completely annihilated and there is left no trace of it, I Myself shall enter into him and shall Myself write My own life. Hearing my stories and teachings will create faith in devotees’ hearts and they will easily get self - realization and Bliss; let there be no insistence on establishing one’s own view, no attempt to refute other’s opinions, no discussions of pros and cons of any subject."

Look at the words of Baba and his boon towards mankind. He is giving the boon that this is a wish fulfilling tree. Whoever has Shri SatCharitra in his house and does the parayan of the same is just having a wish fulfilling tree in his house. He can get any of his wishes fulfilled by doing the parayan with sincere devotion towards Baba.
Baba is giving the assurance that on hearing his stories and teachings they will create faith in devotee's hearts and will easily get self-realization and Bliss. Such a simple thing. Actually to attain self-realization, one has to undergo a lot of sadhana, but whereas Baba is making it such a simple thing and saying that on doing the Shri Sai Satcharitra Parayan sincerely with devotion towards  Baba, the end result is self-realization and bliss.

In todays world human's life has become very stressful and strainful. People have no time to think about self-realization and bliss, even those who want it, have to do a lot of sadhana to achieve it. One needs a guru to guide him to achieve this. One has to do seva to his guru with sincere devotion and faith towards his guru  so that guru can bless him and guide him to attain the self-realization. But baba is showing a simple path following which this big result can be achieved provided we have sincerity and total faith towards baba.

By the grace of Shri Sainath, let everyone realize this truth and start doing parayan with sincerity, devotion and faith towards Baba and attain the final goal of self-realization and bliss.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Our attitude towards Life - Trying to Analyse What Baba Said.

A thought arises, how our attitude should be towards our life. Immediately another thought comes as an answer when Baba has given the assurance that his tomb will speak and clear our doubts, remove our difficulties, what is there to fear for? -  being the devotees of Baba.

Now how to correlate between this two and how does it reflect upon our lives. As for the things to happen, they are inevitable and definite to happen. Baba also doesnt want to involve in this process until and unless he feels it quite necessary. 

A classic example for this is in the sai satcharitra chapter 13, where bhimaji patel was suffering from tuberculosis and tried all means to get the disease cured and finally was brought to shirdi. When he came to baba, initially Baba was reluctant to interfere saying it was due to his previous evil karma, and later when bhimaji cried out in despair that he was helpless, and sought refuge in Baba, as Baba was his last hope, and prayed for mercy, then  Baba  said, "Stay, cast off your anxiety, your sufferings have come to an end. However, oppressed and troubled one may be as soon as he steps into the Masjid, he is on the pathway to happiness. The Fakir here is very kind and He will cure the disease, and protect all with love and kindness.

From the above incident, it is clearly evident that whatever is written in our fate, we have to undergo and even Baba doesnt want to involve in that until and unless he finds some reason or eligibility in the devotee. In the above case of bhimaji patil, we can see that bhimaji patil made himself eligible by seeking total refuge in Baba.

There is another classic example in chapter 34 of Sai Satcharitra. One Dr. Pillay was an intimate Bhakta of Baba. He was much liked by Baba, Who always called him Bhau (brother). Baba talked with him off and on and consulted him in all matters and wanted him always at His side. This Pillay suffered once very badly from guinea-worms. He said to Kakasaheb Dixit, "The pain is most excruciating and unbearable. I prefer death to it. This pain, I know, is for repaying past Karma, but go to Baba and tell Him to stop the pain and transfer the working of my past Karma to ten future births of mine." Mr. Dixit went to Baba and told Him his request. Then Baba, being moved by his request, said to Dixit,"Tell him to be fearless. Why should he suffer for ten births? In ten days he can work out the sufferings and consequences of his past Karma. While I am here to give him temporal and spiritual welfare, why should he pray for death? Bring him here on somebody's back and let us work and finish his sufferings once for all".

The doctor was brought in that condition and was seated on Baba's right side,where Fakir Baba always sat. Baba gave him His bolster and said,"Lie calmly here and be at ease. The true remedy is, that the result of past actions has to be suffered and got over. Our Karma is the cause of our happiness and sorrow; therefore put up with whatever comes to you. Allah (God) is the sole Dispenser and Protector, always think of Him. He will take care of you. Surrender to His feet with body, mind, wealth and speech, i.e. completely and then see what He does." Dr. Pillay said in return that Nanasaheb had put a bandage over the leg, but he found no relief. "Nana is a fool" replied Baba. "Take off that bandage or else you will die. Now a crow will come and peck you, and then you will recover."

While this conversation was going on, one Abdul, who always cleaned the Masjid and trimmed the lamps, turned up. While he was attending to his work of training, his foot accidentally fell upon the stretched leg of Dr. Pillay. The leg was already swollen and when Abdul's foot fell upon it and pressed it, all the seven guinea-worms were squeezed out at once. The pain was unbearable and Dr. Pillay bawled out loudly. After some time, he calmed down and began to sing and cry alternately. Then Pillay enquired when the crow was coming and peeking. Baba said, "Did you not see the crow? He won't come again. Abdul was the crow. Now go and rest yourself in the Wada and you will be soon allright."
By application of the Udi and by taking it in the stomach with water, and without taking any other treatment or medicine, the disease was completely cured in ten days as predicted by Baba.

What does all the above incidents prove. That whatever is happening whether it is good or bad will happen due to our previous karma or our previous actions and definetly we need to repay for them. Baba will interfere in the natural process only when he feels that the devotee has totally surrendered.  So then how come it is interlinked with our attitude. As already discussed unique are the ways of Baba in moulding the lives of his devotees. Baba already told that we need to have shradhha and Saburi. We need to have unconditional love and faith towards  whatever we do and we need to have patience till the results come. Not every action will have immediate result.  As we already thought that everything happens  with respect to the will of baba. Then how to prepare ourselves eligible so that Baba  will remove our karma within a fraction of seconds. All the above incidents showed that Baba removed the evil karmas of the devotees within a few seconds. Why? Because they have taken a total refuge in baba and their faith was unshakable, they have made themselves eligible to receive the grace of Baba. That is the greatness of total surrender.

If we make ourselves eligible to receive the grace of Baba, then even we will be protected. So here comes the question of our attitude towards all the incidents which happen in our life making ourselves eligible to receive the grace of baba. Let us take an example. If  I was having a motorbike and was going on a work. If my bike got puncture and I could not find anyone in the nearby area to get it rectified.  Now the event has happened. What should be my attitude towards this. a) Should I start worrying about my bike.
b) Should I start worrying about my work. c) Should I start abusing my wife that she kept a dumb face in the morning before sending me to office d) Should I abuse my kid for irritating me before leaving for my office. e) Should I abuse my neighbour for having an argument with me before leaving to the office. so on..
If any of the reasons, I consider, then my entire mood will be bad and it may reflect on my other work and people around me also

Rather if I would have thought that everything happens with the will of Baba. There is nothing Bad in this world otherwise why would God create it. Does anyone purposefully create something bad. Do you create anything which is bad. Then how can you expect that God has created something bad. Definetly not. There is nothing in this world which is bad. So i think that Baba had given me this, it is for my good. Then I will be happy and contentful. This will improve my mood to be in a composed and good way. And it will not irritate me and not reflect on others. There are two advantages to this. First, because we could not see ahead we thought that this is a bad sign of our work getting interrupted. But let us assume if someone comes and says, it was better that your bike got puncture and you stayed back, had you gone forward, your bike would have been blown up and your life would have been at risk. Immediately what will you think. Definetly you would thank baba for saving your life. Always it is the same, in any of our work. Baba knows better than us what is good for us. Sometimes it appears to us that with our limited knowledge, baba has not blessed us because our work is not done. But in reality, it may be good for us in our work not getting done. There might be a better opportunity with which Baba wants to bless us. The second advantage is once we develop this kind of attitude, we will never be pushed into an irritating mood causing disturbance to ourselves and people around us. This again makes us eligible in developing saburi again making us eligible in receiving baba's grace. 

So if we start analysing our entire life is binded between the two words told by baba namely shraddha and saburi. If anyone can sincerely implement them in their life. They will receive baba's grace and bring happiness, peace and harmony into the environment and lives of people around them.

So here comes the conclusion of how we can change our attitude to make ourselves eligible in getting the grace of Baba. We need to shell down both our likes and dislikes and start accepting everything as the divine blessings of Baba. We need to totally surrender ourselves. Let what may come, it is only the will of Baba. The day we have this kind of attitude, we make ourselves eligible and will be taken into baba's protection. It's not that baba is not protecting us now. He is always protecting, but we are unaware of this fact, but the day we develop this attitude, it will be crystal clearly visible to us that Baba is protecting us, because we have removed the color of ego from ourselves where Baba is clearly visible in our heart.

Let Baba bless us all in realising this truth and give us strength to totally surrender at his lotus feet ,realise  and reach him.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.
Loka Samastha Sukhinobavanthu. Sarve Jana Sukhinobavanthu. 
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.