Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shradha and Saburi

Shradha and Saburi
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
The two important things which always baba emphasised and asked everyone to follow and implement in their lives. What baba is actually trying to say by these two words.

Shradha- Its nothing but having faith and love towards what ever we do. We need to achieve excellence in whatever we do. For this we need to have clarity in the thought, clarity in word and clarity in deed. It implies that the thought,word and deed should be in synchronization. When we have these three things in synchronization, the end result will be always success resulting excellence. The same thing baba told many times that Once you accept to do some work, do it sincerely else dont accept to do. When we have love towards the work we do, what ever the size of the work we will not feel burden and difficult in doing the work, rather we feel it light and ease.

And the Second thing saburi- i.e Patience. We need to have patience in getting the results. Once we start some work, we need to have patience till the process or work is completed and we get the result. If we dont have patience, we may fail in between. Patience is the boat which will make us cross great oceans.

Shradha and Saburi are just like two sides of the coin, which exists side by side and which cant be separated. To know sai we need to have both the qualities within us. May Baba Bless us all to realise this and implement these in our lives.

whoever is reading this by the grace of baba understand this in their life and by the blessings of sai become precious.

Loka Samastha Sukhinobavanthu, Sarve Jana Sukhinobavanthu
Om Santi Santi Santi

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

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