Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011

Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2011.

May Baba bless you in this new year Good Health, Lots of Wealth, Happiness, Success, Love, Peace and Prosperity.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Leaf Falls in the Tree of History- 31 December 2010

Another Leaf Falls in the Tree of History- 31 December 2010

Yes, another leaf falls in the tree of history(2010) and time for a new leaf (2011). This day is definetly an important day, rather than tommorrow because tommorrow it will be a totally new day and today is the last day of the previous year. So this day becomes the junction point of the previous year and the coming year.

Always junctions are important. They are the milestones where important changes takes place. For example there will be always important rail junctions and bus junctions. These are the places where people change their buses or trains to reach to their destinations. Even in human life, the junction points or milestones are very important which change their course of path to reach their life destination.

In indian history, great sages and rishis have found the importance of these junction points in each and every day. Basically each day will have various parts morning, noon, evening,night and always there is a junction point between them. In sanskrit we call this junction point as sandhya. Usually they have defined some rituals to be performed during these period for the welfare of humanity. Who ever follows these rituals and performs them on time will definetly be blessed with sound mental strength and positive attitude which will lead their lives to harmony and success. Definetly these people will become role models in designing their lives and in others lives.

For this reason, every religion suggests to perform prayers and meditations to be done during these periods. The time period is important, otherwise it becomes just like any other activity. We need to follow them strictly, because the time which moves away will never come back. In computers and other human created places there may be a replay or cancel, but in god created nature there is no replay or cancel. Once a time moves away there is no second chance or replay or cancel to go back and do it. So we need to be aware of this and give our best in the first time itself. Dont think that there is a second chance or we will come again to do this. Think that this is the last chance god has given me and give your 100% effort in each and every activity you are doing. Laziness in the mind and body, dependency on machines, forgetting the real strengths of themselves,procrastination - these are the culprits which is making human lives in emotional tsunamis. People have forgotten their real strengths and are just dependent on machines.

There is a situation where humans are also incapable of doing anything by interrupting the functionality of the machines. Life comes to a standstill. What is the advantage of so much technology when humans are totally dependent on machines forgetting their real strengths and have become puppets in the hands of machines.
Let us not make the next generation to become totally machine dependent. Let us not spoil our next generation. Let the heritage and culture be carried forward to generations down the lane.

So most people take resolutions on this day that they are going to do this thing or leave this thing. Here two things have to be considered, identifying our faults and weakness. Take a resolution to shed our faults or weakness. The second thing we identify some good qualities or strengths in the people whom we like or feel as our role models. We take a resolution to imbibe those qualities within us. Everyones goal at the end is to be happy. People have various ideas in trying to be happy. Somebody listen to music to be happy, somebody dance to be happy, somebody does cooking to be happy, somebody drink to be happy etc. So whatever maybe the activity the end result a person is looking for is to be happy. Everyone is trying for the same thing.

We want to achieve this by correcting ourselves. For this we should leave our weakness and as well as imbibe strengths and positive attitude, when we are able to strike a balance between these both i.e shedding or correcting or overcoming our faults and imbibing good qualities and positive attitude, the quality of our life is going to be improved.

So on this day of junction point between 2010 and 2011 where we are bidding farewall to 2010 and are ready to welcome 2011, let us remember the words of swami vivekanada. "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is way great spiritual giants are produced.”

It is time to awake and make the people realise where we are moving. Why there is distress everywhere when people claim that they are earning more. When people are earning more there should be more more harmony and more happiness. But more education,more technology and more earning is not giving peace , happiness and harmony rather it is creating distances between people , families and countries. When the situation should have been better, it is the other way. For this reason swami vivekanda gave a call to the youth of the nation. That they are the tomorrows destiny makers. They should take the intitative in inculcating great values. People who have values and morals definetly make the place for living. They can create an environment where peace,harmony,happiness exists. Otherwise it is all just a drama and the end result is trauma, choas, distress, unrest and disaster.

It is time to think for each and every person, what they are doing and what they are supposed to do. Let this day be the junction point in bringing the change in thought process of every individual to begin with a new dawn and a new year which will bring the change in the quality of individual lives. When this happens, there is a change in the quality of  family lives. When all the families are happy, then definetly the countries and the whole world is happy. When technology has made the whole world as a small global village, where technology has crossed the barriers of the physical distances between the countries on this world. It has simply increased the distances between humans. This is definetly an alarming situation. Why not everyone take that initiative this  day to start with a year 2011 which should bring peace,harmony,happiness among the people of the entire world.

Let there be peace all over. Let there be harmony all over. Let there be completeness all over. Let there be happiness all over. Let there be good all over. Let GOD give enough strength to all to be blessed with all these in the coming new year 2011.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shradha and Saburi

Shradha and Saburi
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
The two important things which always baba emphasised and asked everyone to follow and implement in their lives. What baba is actually trying to say by these two words.

Shradha- Its nothing but having faith and love towards what ever we do. We need to achieve excellence in whatever we do. For this we need to have clarity in the thought, clarity in word and clarity in deed. It implies that the thought,word and deed should be in synchronization. When we have these three things in synchronization, the end result will be always success resulting excellence. The same thing baba told many times that Once you accept to do some work, do it sincerely else dont accept to do. When we have love towards the work we do, what ever the size of the work we will not feel burden and difficult in doing the work, rather we feel it light and ease.

And the Second thing saburi- i.e Patience. We need to have patience in getting the results. Once we start some work, we need to have patience till the process or work is completed and we get the result. If we dont have patience, we may fail in between. Patience is the boat which will make us cross great oceans.

Shradha and Saburi are just like two sides of the coin, which exists side by side and which cant be separated. To know sai we need to have both the qualities within us. May Baba Bless us all to realise this and implement these in our lives.

whoever is reading this by the grace of baba understand this in their life and by the blessings of sai become precious.

Loka Samastha Sukhinobavanthu, Sarve Jana Sukhinobavanthu
Om Santi Santi Santi

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai