Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sree Vishnu Sahasranama Sthothram

Sree Vishnu Sahasranama Sthotram
                                                                 (To be read Daily)

Shuklam-baradharam Vishnum shashivarnam chaturbhujam |
Prasanna vadanam dhyayet sarva vighnopa-shantaye ||

Vyasam vasistha-naptaram shakteh poutrama-kalmasham |
Parasha-raatmajam vande shukatatam taponidhim ||

Vyasaya vishnuroopaya vyasaroopaya vishnave |
Namo vai brahmanidhaye vasisthaya namo namah ||

Avikaraya shudhaya nithya paramathmane |
Sadaika roopa roopaya vishnave sarva gishnave ||

Yasya smarana-matrena janma-samsara bhandanat |
Vimuchyate namasta-smai vishnave prabha-vishnave ||
 Om namo vishnave prabhavishnave

Shrutva dharma nasheshana pavanani cha sarvashah |
Yudhishthirah shantanavam punareva abhya-bhashata ||

Kimekam daivatam loke kim vapyekam parayanam |
Stuvantah kam ka marchantah prapnuyuh manavah-shubham ||
Ko dharmah sarva-dharmanam bhavatah paramo matah |
Kim japanmuchyate janthuh janma samsara-bandhanat ||

Jagat-prabhum deva-devam anantam purusho-tamam |
Sthuva nnama-sahasrena purushah satatottitah ||

Tameva charcha-yannityam bhaktya purusha mavyayam |
Dhyayan stuvan nama-syamschha yajamanah thameva cha ||

Anadi-nidhanam vishnum sarvaloka mahe-shvaram |
Lokadhyaksham sthuva nnityam sarva-duhkhatigo bhavet ||

Brahmanyam sarva-dharmagnam lokanam keerthi-vardhanam |
Lokanatham maha.-dbhootam sarvabhuta-bhavod-bhavam ||

Esha me sarva-dharmanam dharmo-dhikatamo matah |
Yadbhaktya pundaree-kaksham stavairarche nara sada ||

Paramam yo maha-tejaha paramam yo maha-tapaha |
Paramam yo mahad-bramha paramam yah parayanam ||

Pavitranam pavitram yo mangalanam cha mangalam |
Daivatam devatanam cha bhootanam yovyayah pita ||

Yatah sarani bhutani bhavantyadi yugagame |
Yasminscha pralayam yanti punareva yugakshaye ||

Tasya loka pradhanasya jaganna-thasya bhupate |
Vishnor nama-sahasram me shrunu papa-bhayapaham ||

Yani namani gounani vikhyatani mahatmanah |
Rishibhih parigeetani tani vakshyami bhootaye ||

Vishno-ranam sahasrasya vedavyaso maha munih |
Chandho nusthup tatha devah bhagavan devakee-sutah ||

Amrutham-shubdavo beejam shaktir-devaki nandanah |
Trisama hrudayam tasya shantya-rdhe viniyu-jyate ||

Vishnum jishnum maha-vishnum prabha-vishnum mahe-svaram |
Anekarupam daithyantham namami purushottamam ||

Asya shree vishno divya sahasranama sthotra maha-mantrasya, shree vedavyaso
bhagavan rishih, ansthup-chandah shree maha vishnuh paramatma shree mannarayanoo
devata, amritam-shoodbhavo bhanuriti beejam, devakee nandana srasthetih shakthi
udbavah kshobha-noo-deva iti paramo mantrah, shankha-bhru-nnadakee chakreeti
keelakam, sharnga-dhanva gadadhara itiastram rathanga-pani rakshobhya iti netram,
trisama samaga ssamete kavacham,
Annandham para-bramheti yonih rutu-shudarshanah kala iti digbandanah, sree
vishvaroopa iti dhyanam, shree maha vishnu-preet-yarthe vishnordivya sahasra-nama
jape viniyogah.
Dhyanam Kshiro-dhanvat-pradesha suchimani vilasat saikyate mauktikanam
Maalaak-la-pta-sanasthah spatika-mani nibhaih mauktikaih mandi-takngah |
Shrub-brai-rabrai-radabraih upari verachitaih muktah-peeusha-varsh
Aanande nah puniyat arenalina gadha shankha-panhi mukundaha ||
Bhuh padao yasyanabih viyada-suranelah chandra-soorya-cha-netra |
Karna-vasa-serodyah mooka-mapi dahano yesya-vaste-yamabdhih |
Antastham-yasya-vishwam-suranara khagago bhogi gandharva dhaithyeh !
Chitram ram-ramyate tham tribhuvana-vapusham vishnu-meesham namami !!
Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya
Shantha-karam bhujaga-shayanam padma-naabham suresham |
Vishva-khaaram gagana sadrusham megevarnam shubhangam ||
Lakshmi-kantham kamala-nayanam yogi-hrudhyana-gamyam |
Vande vishnum bava-bhaya-haram sarva-lokaika-natham ||
Megha-shyamam peetha-kauseya-vasam sree vatsajkam kaustu-bhod-bhace-thangam !
Punyo-petam pundari-kaya thaksham vishnum vande sarva-lokaika natham ||

Namah samasta bhutanam-adi-bhutaya bhubrite
Aneka-ruparupaya vishnave prabha-vishnave
Sashamkha-chakram-sakrireeta-kundalam sapeetha-vastram-saraseeru-he kshanam |
Sahara-vaksha sthala-shobi-kaustubham namami-vishnum-seerasaa chatur bhujam ||

Om vishvam vishnu rvashatkaro bhoota-bhavya bhavat-prabhuh |
Bhoota-krut bhoota-bhrud-bhavo bhootatma bhoota-bhavanah.|| “1” (Ashwani 1Padam)

Pootatma paramatma cha muktanam parama-gatih |
Avyayah purusha sakshee kshetragno-kshara eva cha.|| “2” (Ashwani 2Padam)

Yogo yoga-vidam neta pradhana puru-sheshvarah |
Narasimhavapu shreeman keshavah puru-shottamah.|| “3” (Ashwani 3 Padam)

Sarvah sharvah shivah sthanuh bhootadi-rnidhi ravyayah |
Sambhavo bhavano bharta pradhavah prabhu reeshvarah||. “4” (Ashwani 4Padam)

Swayambhoo shambhu radityah pushka raksho maha-svanah |
Anadi nidhano dhata vidhata dhatu ruttamah|| “5” (Bharani 1Padam)

Aprameyo hrushee-keshah padma-nabho-mara-prabhuh |
Vishva-karma manu-stvastha sthavishtah sthaviro dhruvah|| “6” (Bharani 2Padam)

Agrahyah shashvatah krishno lohi-takshah pratrdanah |
Prabhoota strikakubdhama pavitram mangalam param|| “7” (Bharani 3Padam)

Ishanah pranadah prano jyeshthah shreshthah prajpatih |
Hiranya-garbho bhoo-garbho madhavo madhu-soodanah|| “8” (Bharani 4Padam)

Ishvaro vikramee dhanve medhavee vikramah kramah |
Anuttamo dura-dharshah krutagnah kruti-ratmavan || “9” (Kruttika 1Padam)

Suresha sharanam sharma vishva-retah praja-bhavah |
Ahah samvatsaro vyalah pratyaya sarva-darshanah || “10” (Kruttika 2Padam)

Aja sarve-shvara siddhah siddhi sarvadi rachyutah |
Vrishakapi rame-yatma sarva-yoga vinih-srutah || “11” (Kruttika 3Padam)

Vasu rvasumana satyah samatma sammita samah |
Amoghah pundaree-kaksho vrusha-karama vrusha-krutih || “12” (Kruttika 4Padam)

Rudro bahushira babhruh vishva-yoni shuchi-shravah |
Amrita shashvatah stanuh vararoho maha-tapah || “13” (Rohini 1Padam)

Sarvaga sarva-vidbhanuh vishva-kseno janardanah |
Vedo veda-vidha-vyango vedango veda-vit-kavih || “14” (Rohini 2Padam)

Loka-dhyaksha sura-dhyaksho dharma-dhyakshah kruta-krutah |
Chatu-ratma chatu-rvyooha chatur-damshtrah chatur-bhujah || “15” (Rohini 3Padam)

Bhrajishnu rbhojanam bhokta sahishnu rajaga-dadijah |
Anagho vijayo jeta vishva-yonih punar-vasuh || “16” (Rohini 4Padam)

Upendro vamanah pramshuh amogha shuchi roorjitah |
Ateendra sangrahah sargo dhrutatma niyamo yamah || “17” (Mrugasira 1Padam)

Vedyo vaidya sada yogee veeraha madhavo madhuh |
Ateendriyo maha-mayo mahotsaho maha-balah || “18” (Mrugasira 2Padam)

Maha-buddhir-maha-veeryo maha-shaktir-maha-dyuthih |
Anirdeshyavapu-shreeman ameyatma maha dridhrut || “19” (Mrugasira 3Padam)

Mahe-shvaso mahee-bharta shreeniva satamgatih |
Aniruddha sura-nando govindo govidam patih || “20” (Mrugasira 4Padam)

Mareechi rdamano hamsah suparno bhuja-gottamah |
Hiranya-nabhah sutapah padma-nabhah praja-patih || “21” (Ardra 1Padam)

Amrityu sarva-druk-simhah sandhata sandhi-man sthirah |
Ajo durma-rshana shastha vishru-tatma sura-riha || “22” (Ardra 2Padam)

Guru rguru-tamo dhama satya satya para-kramah |
Nimisho-nimiisha srugvee vacha-spati ruda-radheeh || “23” (Ardra 3Padam)

Agranee-rgramanee shreeman nyayo neta samee-ranah |
Sahasra-moordha vishvatma saha-srakshah saha-srapat || “24” (Ardra 4Padam)

Avartano nivru-ttatma sam-vruta sampra-mardanah |
Aha-ssama-vartako vahnih anilo dharanee-dharah || “25” (Punarvasu 1Padam)

Supra-sadah prasa-nnatma vishva srudvishva-bhugvibhuh |
Satkarta satkruta-sadhuh jahnur-narayano narah || “26” (Punarvasu 2Padam)

Asan-khyeyo prame-yatma vishi-shta shishta-kruchu-chih |
Siddhar-thah siddha-sankalpah siddhida siddhi-sadhanah || “27” (Punarvasu 3Padam)

Vrishahee vrishabho vishnuh vrusha-parva vrusho-darah |
Vardhano vardha-manascha vivikta shruti-sagarah || “28” (Punarvasu 4Padam)

Subhujo durdharo vagmee mahendro-vasudho vasuh |
Naika-roopo bruha-droopah shipi-vishtah praka-shanah || “29” (Pushyam 1Padam)

Oja-hstejo dyuti-dharah praka-shatma prata-panah |
Bhuddhah-spashta-khsharo mantrah chandramshu-rbhaskara-dyutih || “30” (Pushyam 2 Padam)

Amritam-shoodbhavo bhanuh shasha-bindhu-sureshvarah |
Ausha-dham jagata setuh satya-dharma para-kramah || “31” (Pushyam 3 Padam)

Bhoota-bhavya bhava-nnathah pavanah pavano-nalah |
Kamaha-kama-krutkantah kamah kama-pradah prabhuh || “32” (Pushyam 4Padam)

Yugadi-krudyu-gavarto naika-mayo maha-shanah |
Adrushyo vyakta-roopaschha sahasra-jidanantajit || “33”  (Aslesha 1Padam)

Ishto-vishishta shishte-shtah shikhandee nahusho vrushah |
Krodhaha krodha-krutkarta vishva-bahurma-heedharah || “34” (Aslesha 2Padam)

Achyutah-prathithah pranah pranado vasa-vanujah |
Apamnidhi radishta-nam apra-mattah prati-shtitah || “35” (Aslesha 3Padam)

Skandah sanda-dharo dhuryo varado vayu-vahanah |
Vasudevo bruha-dbhanuh adidevah pura-ndarah || “36” (Aslesha 4Padam)

Ashoka starana starah shoora-showri rjane-shvarah |
Anu-koola shata-vartah padmee padma-nibhe-kshanah || “37” (Makam 1Padam)

Padma-nabho ravinda-kshah padma-garbha-shareera-bhrut |
Mahardhi bhooddho vruddha-tma maha-ksho garuda-dhvajah || “38” (Makam 2Padam)

Atula-sharabho bheemah sama-yagno havir-harih |
Sarva lakshana lakshanyo lakshmeevan samiti-njayah || “39” (Makam 3Padam)

Veksharo rohito margo hethur-damodara sahah |
Mahee-dharo maha-bhago vegavana-mitashanah || “40” (Makam 4Padam)

Udbhavah ksho-bhano devah shree-garbhah parame-shvarah |
Karanam karanam karta vikarta gahano guhah || “41”  (Poorvapalguni 1Padam)

Vyava-sayo vyava-sthanah sams-thanah sthanado dhruvah |
Para-rdhih parama-spashta stushtah pushtah-shubhe-kshanah || “42” (Poorvapalguni 2Padam)

Ramo viramo virajo margo neyo nayo-nayah |
Veera-shakti-matam shreshto dharmo dharma-vidu-ttamah || “43” (Poorvapalguni 3Padam)

Vaikunthah purushah pranah pranadah pranavah pruthuh |
Hiranya-garbha shatru-ghno vyapto vayu-radho-kshajah || “44” (Poorvapalguni 4Padam)

Rutu-sudar-shanah-kalah para-meshthi pari-grahah |
Ugra-samva-tsaro daksho vishramo vishva-dakshinah || “45” (Uttaraphalguna 1Padam)

Vistarah sthavara ssthanuh pramanam beeja-mavyayam |
Artho-nartho maha-kosho maha-bhogo maha-dhanah || “46” (Uttaraphalguna 2Padam)

Anir-vinnah sthavishto bhooh dharma-yoopo maha-makhah |
Nakshatra-nemir-nakshatree kshamah shamah-samee-hanah || “47” (Uttaraphalguna 3Padam)

Yagna ijyo mahe-jyashcha kratuh-satram satam-gatih |
Sarva-darshee nivru-tatma sarva-gno gnana muttamam || “48”  (Uttaraphalguna 4Padam)

Suvrata-sumukha-sookshmah sughosha-sukhada-suhrut |
Mano-haro jita-krodho veerba-burvi-daranah || “49” (Hasta 1Padam)

Swapanah svavasho vyapee naika-tma naika-karmakrut
Vatsaro vatsalo vatsee ratnagarbho dhaneshvarah “50” (Hasta 2Padam)

Dharmagubdharmakrutdharmee sadasatksharamaksharam |
Avignata saha-sramshuh vidhata kruta-lakshanah || “51” (Hasta 3Padam)

Gabhasti-nemi-satvasthah simho bhoota-mahe-shvarah|
Adidevo mahadevo devesho deva-bhrudguruh || “52” (Hasta 4Padam)

Uttaro gopatir-gopta gnana-gamyah pura-tanah |
Shareera-bhoota-bhrud-bhokta kapee-ndro bhoori-dakshinah || “53” (Chitra 1Padam)

Somapo mrutapa-somah purujit-puru-sattamah |
Vinayo-jaya-satya-sandho dasha-rhah satva-tampatih || “54” (Chitra 2Padam)

Jeevo vina-yita sakshee mukundo mita vikramah |
Ambho-nidhi rana-ntatma maho-dadhi-shayo-ntakah || “55”(Chitra 3Padam)

Ajo maharhah svadhavyo jita-mitrah pramo-danah |
Anando nandano nandah satya-dharma trivi-kramah || “56”(Chitra 4Padam)

Maharshih kapila-charyah krutagno medi-neepatih |
Tripada-strida-shadh-yakshah maha-shringah krutan-takrut || “57” (Swati 1Padam)

Maha-varaho govindah sushenah kana-kangadee |
Guhyo gabheero gahano gupta-shchakra gadadharah || “58” (Swati 2Padam)

Vedhah-svango jitah-krishno dridha-sankarshano chyutah |
Varuno varuno vrukshah pushka-raksho maha-manah || “59” (Swati 3Padam)

Bhaga-van bhagaha-nandee vana-malee hala-yudhah |
Adityo jyoti-radityah shishnur-gati-sattamah || “60” (Swati 4Padam)

Sudhanva khana-parashuh daruno dravinah pradah |
Divi-spru-ksarva drugvyaso vacha-spati rayonijah || “61” (Visaakhaa 1Padam)

Trisama samaga-samah nirvanam bheshajam bhishak |
Sanya-sakrutchha-mashanto nishtha-shantih para-yanam || “62”(Visaakhaa 2Padam)

Shubhanga-shanti-dasrushta kumudah kuva-leshayah |
Gohito gopati-rgopta vrusha-bhaksho vrusha-priyah || “63” (Visaakhaa 3Padam)

Anivarthee nivru-ttatma samkshepta kshema-krutchhivah |
Shree-vatsa-vakshah shree-vasah shree-pathih shree-matam varaah || “64” (Visaakhaa 4Padam)

Shreeda-shreeshah shree-nivasah shree-nidil-shree-vibhavanah |
Shree-dhara-shree-kara-shreyah shreem-man-lokatra-yashrayah || “65” (Anuradha 1Padam)

Svaksha svangah shata-nando nandi-rjyoti rgane-shvarah |
Viji-tatma vidhe-yatma satkeerti-shchhinna samshayah || “66” (Anuradha 2Padam)

Udeerna-sarva-tashchakshuh aneesha shashvatah sthirah |
Bhooshayo bhooshano bhooti vishoka shoka-nashanah || “67” (Anuradha 3Padam)

Archishma narchitah kumbho vishu-ddhatma visho-dhanah |
Aniriddho pratirathah pradyumno mita-vikramah || “68” (Anuradha 4Padam)

Kala-neminiha shourih shoora shoora-jane-shvarah |
Tilo-katma trilo-keshah keshavah keshiha harih || “69” (Jyeshtha 1Padam)

Kama-devah kama-palah kamee kantah kruta-gamah |
Anirde-shyavapuh vishnuh veero nantho dhananjayah || “70” (Jyeshtha 2Padam)

Bramhanyo bramha-krut bramha barmha bramha vivar-dhanah |
Bramha-vitbramahno bramhee bramhagno bramhana-ptiyah || “71” (Jyeshtha 3Padam)

Maha-kramo maha-karma maha-teja mahoragah |
Maha-kritu rmahayajva maha-yagno maha-havih || “72” (Jyeshtha 4Padam)

Stavya-stava-priya stotram stuta stotaa rana priyah |
Poornah poorayita punyah punya-keerti rana-mayah || “73” (Moolaa 1Padam)

Mano-java steertha-karo vasu-reta vasu-pradah |
Vasu-prado vasu-devo vasur-vasu-mana havih || “74” (Moolaa 2Padam)

Sadgati satkruti-satta sadbhooti satpa-rayanah |
Shoora-seno yadu-shreshthah sanni-vasa suya-munah || “75” (Moolaa 3Padam)

Bhoota-vaso vasu-devah sarva-sunilayo nalah |
Darpaha darpado drupto durdharo thapa-rajitah || “76” (Moolaa 4Padam)

Vishva-moortir-maha-moortih deepta-moorti ramoortiman |
Aneka-moorti-ravyaktah shata-moorti shata-nanah || “77” (Poorvaashaadaa 1Padam)

Eko-naika savah kah kim yatta-tpada manu-ttamam |
Loka-bandhu rlokanatho madhavo bhakta-vatsalah || “78”  (Poorvaashaadaa 2Padam)

Suvarna varno hemango varanga shchhanda-nangadee |
Veeraha vishama shoonyo khritashee rachala shchalah || “79” (Poorvaashaadaa 3Padam)

Amanee manado manyo loka-swamee trilo-kadhrut |
Sumedha medhajo dhanyah satya-medha dhara-dharah || “80” (Poorvaashaadaa 4Padam)

Tejo vrusho dyuti-dharah sarva-shastra-bhrutam varah |
Pragraho nigraho vyagro naika-shrungo gada-grajah || “81” (Uthraashaadaa 1Padam)

Chatur-moorti chatur-bhahu chatur-vyoohah chatur-gatih |
Chatu-ratma chatur-bhavah chatur-veda-videkapat || “82” (Uthraashaadaa 2Padam)

Sama-varto nivru-ttatma durjayo durati-kramah |
Durlabho durgamo durgo dura-vaso dura-riha || “83” (Uthraashaadaa 3Padam)

Shubhango loka-sarangah sutantu stantu-vardhanah|
Indra-karma maha-karma kruta-karma kruta-gamah || “84” (Uthraashaadaa 4Padam)

Udbhava sundara sundo ratana-nabha sulo-chanah |
Arko vaja-sani shrungi jayantah sarva-vijjay || “85” (Sravanam 1Padam)

Suvarna bindu-rakshobhyah sarva-vagee-shvare-shvarah |
Maha-hrado maha-garto maha-bhooto maha-nidhih || “86” (Sravanam 2Padam)

Kumudah kundarah kundah parjnyah pavano nilah |
Amrutamsho mruta-vapuh sarvagnah sarva-tomukhah || “87” (Sravanam 3Padam)

Sulabha suvratah siddhah shatruji chhatru-tapanah |
Nyagro-dhodumbaro shvatthah chanoo-randhru nishoo-danah || “88” (Sravanam 4Padam)

Saha-srarchi sapta-jihvah saptai-dha sapta-vahanah |
Amoorti ranagho chintyo bhaya-krudbhaya-nashanah || “89” (Dhanishtha 1Padam)

Anu rbruha tkrushah sthoolo guna-bhrunnir-guno-mahan |
Adhruta svadhruta svastyah pragvamsho vamsha vardhanah || “90” (Dhanishtha 2Padam)

Bhara-bhrut kathito yogee yogeeshah sarva kamdah |
Ashrama shramanah kshamah suparno vayu-vahanah || “91” (Dhanishtha 3Padam)

Dhanur-dharo dhanur-vedo dando damayita damah |
Apara-jita sarva-saho niyanta niyamo yamah || “92” (Dhanishtha 4Padam)

Satvavan satvika satyah satya-dharma para-yanah |
Abhi-prayah priyarhorhah priyakrut preeti-vardhanah || “93” (Sathabisha 1Padam)

Vihaya-sagati rjyotih suru-chirhu-tabhugvibhuh |
Ravi rvirochana sooryah savita ravi lochanah || “94” (Sathabisha 2Padam)

Ananta huta-bhugbhokta sukhado naikado grajah |
Anirvinna sada-marshee lokadhi-shthana madbhutah || “95” (Sathabisha 3Padam)

Sanaa tsana-tana-tamah kapilah kapi-ravyayah |
Svastida svasti-krut svasti svastibhuk svasti-dakshinah || ‘96” (Sathabisha 4Padam)

Aroudrah kundalee chakree vikra-myoorjita shasanah |
Shabdatiga shabda-sahah shishira sharva-reekarah || “97” (Poorvabhadra 1Padam)

Akroorah peshalo daksho dakshinah kshaminam varah |
Vidvattamo veeta-bhayah punya-shravana keertanah || “98” (Poorvabhadra 2Padam)

Uttarano dushkrutiha punyo dussvapna nashanah |
Veeraha rakshana santo jeevanah parya-vasthitah || “99” (Poorvabhadra 3Padam)

Anantha roopo nantha shreeh jitamanyur-bhayapahah |
Chatu-rasro gabhee-ratma vidisho vyadisho dishah || “100” (Poorvabhadra 4Padam)

Anadi rbhoorbhuvo lakshmeeh suveero ruchi-rangadah |
Janano jana janmadih bheemo bheema-para-kramah || “101” (Uttarabhadra 1Padam)

Adhara nilayo dhata pushpa-hasah praja-garah |
Urdhvaga satpa-thacharah pranadah pranavah panah || “102” (Uttarabhadra 2Padam)

Pramanam prana nilayah prana-bhrut prana jeevanah |
Tattvam tattva videkatma janma mrutyu jaratigah || “103” (Uttarabhadra 3Padam)

Bhoorbhuva svasta-rustarah savita prapi-tamahah |
Yagno yagna-patir-yajva yagnango yagna-vahanah || “104” (Uttarabhadra 4Padam)

Yagna-bhrut yagnakru t yagee yagnabhuk yagna-sadhanah |
Yajna-ntakrut yagna guhyam anna mannada eva-cha || “105” (Revati 1Padam)

Atma-yoni svayam jaato vaikhana sama-gayanah |
Devakee nandana srashta kshiteeshah papa-nashanah || “106” (Revati 2Padam)

Shankha-bhrut nandakee chakree sharngadhanva gada-dharah |
Rathanga-pani rakshobhyah sarva praha-rana-yudhah || “107” (Revati 3Padam)

 Sree sarva-praha-rana-yudha om naman ithi
Vanmalee gadee sharngi shankhee chakree cha nandakee |
Shree-maannaraayano vinshuh vaasu-devo dhira-kshatu || “108”  (Revati 4Padam)
(repeat the above two lines)

Iteedam keerta-neeyasya kesha-vasya maha-tmanah |
Namnam sahasram divya-nam ashe-shena prakeer-titam || “1”

Ya edam shrunuyat nityam yaschhapi parikeertayet |
Nashubham-prapnuyat-kinchit so mutreha-cha-manavah || “2”

Vedan-tago bramhana-syat kshatriyo vijayee bavet |
Vaisyo dhana-samru-ddhasyat shhoodra sukha mavap-nuyat || “3”

Dharmarthee prapnu-yatdharmam artharthee chartha mapnuyat|
Kamana-vapnuyat-kamee prajarthee chapnu-yat-prajam || “4”

Bhakt-imanya sadotthaya shuchi-stadgata manasah |
Sahasram vasu-devasya namna metat prakee-rtayet || “5”

Yashah prapnoti vipulam ynati praadhanya meva-cha |
Achalam shriya mapnothi shreyah prapnotya-nuttamam || “6”

Na bhayam kvachi dapnoti veeryam tejachha vindati |
Bhava tyarogo dhyu-timan bala-roopa gunan-vitah || “7”

Rogarto muchyate rogat baddho muchyeta bandhanat |
Bhaya nmuchyeta bheetastu muchye tapanna apadha || “8”

Durganya-titara tyashu purushah purusho-ttamam |
Stuva nnama-saha-srena nityam bhakti saman-vitah || “9”

Vasu-deva-shrayo marthyo vasu-deva para-yanah |
Sarva-papa vishu-ddhatma yati bramha sana-tanam || “10”

Na vasu-deva bhakta-nam ashubham vidyate kvachit |
Janma mrithyu jara vyadhi bhayam naivapa jayate || “11”

Emam stava madhee-yanah shraddha-bhakti sama-nvitah |
Yujye tatam sukha-kshantih shree-dhrati smruti keertibhih || “12”

Na krodho na matsaryam na lobho na shubha-matih |
Bhavanti kruta punyanam bhakta-nam puru-shottame || “13”

Dhyou sachan-drarka nakshatra kham disho bhoorma-hodadhih |
Vasu-devasya veeryena vidhrutani mahat-manah || “14”

Sa-sura-sura gandharvam sa-yaksho-raga raksha-sam |
Jaga-dvashe varta-tedam krishnasya sachara-charam || “15”

Indri-yani mano-buddhih satvam tejo-balam dhrutih |
Vasu-devatma kanyahuh kshetram-kshetragyna eva cha || “16”

Sarva-gamana macharah prathamam pari-kalpate |
Aachara prabhavo dharmo dharmasya pradhu-rachyutah || “17”

Rushayah pitaro devah maha-bhootani dhatavah |
Jangama-jangamam chedam jagannaraya-nodbhavam || “18”

Yogo gynanam tatha sankhyam vidya shilpadi karma-cha |
Vedah shasthrani vigynana etat-sarvam janar-danat || “19”

Eko-vishnu rmaha-dbhootam prutha-gbhoota nyanekasah |
Trilon-lokan-vyapya-bhootatma bhujkte vishva-bhugavyayah || “20”

Emam stavam bhagavato vishnor-vyasena keertitam |
Pathedya echhet purushah shreyah praptum sukhani-cha || “21”

Vishve-shvara majam devam jagatah prabhu mavyam |
Bhajanti ye pushka-raksham nate yanti para-bhavam || “22”

Na te yanti para-bhavam om nama iti

Padma-patra visha-laksha padma-nabha suro-ttama |
Bhaktana manu-raktanam trata bhava janar-dana || “23”

Yo-mam nama saha-srena stotu michhati pandava |
Sho ha mekena shlokena stuta eva na samshayah || “24”
 Stita eva na samshaya om nama iti

Vasa-naad vasu devsaya vasitham te jaga-thrayam |
Sarva-butha nivaso si vaasu-deva namo stute || “25”
 Vasu-deva namostute om nama iti

Keno-paayena laghunaa vishnur-nama saha-skrakam |
Patyate pamditeh nityam shortu michha myaham prabho || “26”

Shree-rama ram rameti rame raame mano-rame |
Saha-sranaama tattulyam raama-naama varaa-nane || “27”
 Raama-naama varaa-nana om nama iti
 (The above 2 lines read 2 times)

Namo stvana-ntaya saha-sramurtaye
Saha-srapaa-dakshi shiroru-bahave |
Saha-sranaamne puru-shaya shashvate
Saha-srakoti-yuga-dharine namah || “28”
 Saha-srakoti yuga-dharina om nama iti

Yatra yoge-shvarah krushno yatra paardho dhanur-dharah |
Tatra-shreeh vijayo bhutih dhruva neetih mati rmama || “29”

Ananya-schanta-yanto mam ye janaah paryu-panate |
Tesham nitya-bhiyuktanaam yoga-kshemam vaha-myaham || “30”

Pari-tranaya sabhunaam vinaa-shaya cha dushkrutam |
Dharam samstha-panardhaya sambha-vami yuge yuge || “31”

Aartha-vishanna-shithila-schabhitah ghoreshucha-vyadhi-varthamanah |
Samkeertya-narayana-shabda-matram vimukta-duhghah-sukhino-bhavanti || “32”

Kayena vaachha mana-sendhriyerva
Buddhyatma-naavaa prakrute-svabha-vaat |
Karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai
Naaraa-yanayeti samarpa-yame ||

 Sarvam shree-krishnar-panamastu

महालक्ष्मि अष्टकं : नमस्तेऽस्तु   महामाये   श्रीपीठे   सुरपूजिते
Mahalakshmi Ashtakam: Namastestu Mahamaye Sripithe Surapujite

Devi Lakshmi 
नमस्तेऽस्तु महामाये श्रीपीठे सुरपूजिते 
शङ्खचक्रगदाहस्ते महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥१॥
Namastestu Mahaa-Maaye Shrii-Piitthe Sura-Puujite |
Shankha-Cakra-Gadaa-Haste Mahaalakssmi Namostute ||1||

1.1: (Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) Salutations to the Mahamaya (the Great Enchantress), Who is Worshipped by theDevas in Sri Pitha (Her Abode).
1.2: Who has the ConchDisc and Mace in Her HandsSalutations to that Mahalakshmi.

नमस्ते गरुडारूढे कोलासुरभयंकरि 
सर्वपापहरे देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥२॥
Namaste Garudda-Aaruuddhe Kola-Aasura-Bhayamkari |
Sarva-Paapa-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute ||2||

2.1: (Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) Salutations to the One Who Rides the Garuda, Who is the Terror to Kolasura,
2.2: The Devi who Removes All SinsSalutations to that Mahalakshmi.

सर्वज्ञे सर्ववरदे सर्वदुष्टभयंकरि 
सर्वदुःखहरे देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥३॥
Sarvajnye Sarva-Varade Sarva-Dusstta-Bhayamkari |
Sarva-Duhkha-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute ||3||

3.1: (Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) Who is All-Knowing, Who is the Giver of All Boons, Who is the Terror to All theWicked,
3.2: The Devi who Removes All SorrowsSalutations to that Mahalakshmi.

सिद्धिबुद्धिप्रदे देवि भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायिनि 
मन्त्रमूर्ते सदा देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥४॥
Siddhi-Buddhi-Prade Devi Bhukti-Mukti-Pradaayini |
Mantra-Muurte Sadaa Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute ||4||

4.1: (Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) The Devi who Gives Success and Intelligence and Gives Wordly Enjoyment andLiberation,
4.2: The Devi who Always abides as the Embodiment of MantraSalutations to that Mahalakshmi.

आद्यन्तरहिते देवि आद्यशक्तिमहेश्वरि 
योगजे योगसम्भूते महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥५॥
Aady-Anta-Rahite Devi Aadya-Shakti-Maheshvari |
Yogaje Yoga-Sambhuute Mahaalakssmi Namostute ||5||

5.1: (Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) The Devi who is Without Beginning and End, Who is the Primal Energy, and theGreat Goddess,
5.2: Who is Born of Yoga, Who is United with YogaSalutations to that Mahalakshmi.

स्थूलसूक्ष्ममहारौद्रे महाशक्तिमहोदरे 
महापापहरे देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥६॥
Sthuula-Suukssma-Mahaaroudre Mahaa-Shakti-Mahodare |
Mahaa-Paapa-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute ||6||

6.1: (Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) Who is both Gross and Subtle and Most Terrible, Who is With Great Power andProsperity,
6.2: The Devi who Removes All SinsSalutations to that Mahalakshmi.

पद्मासनस्थिते देवि परब्रह्मस्वरूपिणि 
परमेशि जगन्मातर्महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥७॥
Padma-Aasana-Sthite Devi Para-Brahma-Svaruupinni |
Parameshi Jagan-Maatar-Mahaalakssmi Namostute ||7||

7.1: (Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) The Devi Who is Seated on a Lotus, Who is of the Nature of Supreme Brahman,
7.2: Who is the Supreme Lord and the Mother of the UniverseSalutations to that Mahalakshmi.

श्वेताम्बरधरे देवि नानालङ्कारभूषिते 
जगत्स्थिते जगन्मातर्महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥८॥
Shveta-Ambara-Dhare Devi Naana-Alangkaara-Bhuussite |
Jagatsthite Jagan-Maatar-Mahaalakssmi Namostute ||8||

8.1: (Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) The Devi who is Dressed in White Garments, Who is Adorned with Various Ornaments,
8.2: Who Abides in this Universe and is the Mother of the UniverseSalutations to that Mahalakshmi.

महालक्ष्म्यष्टकं स्तोत्रं यः पठेद्भक्तिमान्नरः 
सर्वसिद्धिमवाप्नोति राज्यं प्राप्नोति सर्वदा ॥९॥
Mahaalakssmy-Assttakam Stotram Yah Patthed-Bhaktimaan-Narah |
Sarva-Siddhim-Avaapnoti Raajyam Praapnoti Sarvadaa ||9||

9.1: Whoever recites this Mahalakshmi Ashtakam Stotram with Devotion, ...
9.2: ... Will attain all Success and Prosperityalways.

एककाले पठेन्नित्यं महापापविनाशनम् 
द्विकालं यः पठेन्नित्यं धनधान्यसमन्वितः ॥१०॥
Eka-Kaale Patthen-Nityam Mahaa-Paapa-Vinaashanam |
Dvi-Kaalam Yah Patthen-Nityam Dhana-Dhaanya-Samanvitah ||10||

10.1: Reciting this Once Every Day will Destroy Great Sins,
10.2: Reciting this Twice Every Day will bestow one with Wealth and Foodgrains.

त्रिकालं यः पठेन्नित्यं महाशत्रुविनाशनम् 
महालक्ष्मिर्भवेन्नित्यं प्रसन्ना वरदा शुभा ॥११॥
Tri-Kaalam Yah Patthen-Nityam Mahaa-Shatru-Vinaashanam |
Mahaalakssmirbhavennityam Prasannaa Varadaa Shubhaa ||11||

11.1: Reciting this Thrice Everyday will Destroy Great Enemies, ...
11.2: ... And Devi Mahalakshmi will be Pleased with him and extend Her Boon-Giving Grace and Auspicious presence.


Significance of Vishnu Sahasranamam
All our Aacharyas, Sastras, Puranas always highlighted the ever powerful Vishnu sahasranama Stothram, which is the means for solution to all ills not only prevailing in the society as a whole but also in any individual on account of various reasons including some grahadoshams.

Even Baba said the following words to shama
Oh Shama, this book is very valuable and efficacious, so I present it to you, you read it. Once I suffered intensely and My heart began to palpitate and My life was in danger. At that critical time, I hugged this book to My heart and then, Shama, what a relief it gave me! I thought that Allah Himself came down and saved Me. So I give this to you, read it slowly, little by little, read daily one name at least and it will do you good.

Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Srimannarayana Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji during His discourse on the eve of Sri Bhishma Ekaadasi Viratpaarayanam in Hyderabad where lakhs of people gathered on 13th February 2003, once again reiterated the same. His Holiness also declared that the 108 slokhas (sloka) of Sri Vishnusahasranaama Stothram removes all the ills associated with any grahadoshams to any chanter of any Nakshatram(Stars viz.constellations) and provides supreme solace and supreme bliss. There are 27 Nakshatram starting from Aswini and ending with Revati. Each Nakshatram has four Paadam. Thus 108 slokhas correspond to 27 X 4 nakshatra padams. Thus a person born in Aswini 1st Paadam can chant first slokha, Bharani 1st padams can chant 5th slokha and so on for respective Nakshatra Saanthi. A person not sure of one's Nakshatra can chant all the 108 slokhas and get rid of all ills associated with one's Nakshatram and attain sampoorna saanthi.

There is no need for any other means at all to achieve success in any issue. For the convenience of all the Bhagawatas/devotees , star and its padam is given beside each sloka.

His Holiness advised the devotees to chant Sri vishnu sahasranamam  Stothram total at least once in a day followed by eleven times a day their respective slokhas and see the results for themselves in just eleven days.

If one identifies one's own birth Nakshatram(star) then they can by heart their corresponding Sri VishnuSahasranama slokhas and keep on chanting whenever free/idling and attain good results in all their endeavors.

From Shri Sai Satcharitra Chapter 27
Shama and Vishnu-Sahasra-Nama
Shama was a very intimate devotee of Baba and Baba wanted to favour him in a particular way by giving him a copy of Vishnu-Sahasra-Nama as Prasad. This was done in the following way. Once a Ramadasi (follower of Saint Ramadas) came to Shirdi and stayed for some time. The routine he followed daily was as follows : He got up early in the morning, washed his face, bathed and then after wearing saffron-coloured clothes and besmearing himself with sacred ashes, read Vishnu-Sahasra-Nama (a book giving a thousand names in praise of Vishnu, and held second in importance to Bhagwad Geeta) and Adhyatma-Ramayana (Esoteric version of Rama's story) with faith. He read these books often and often and then after some days Baba thought of favouring and initiating Shama with Vishnu-Sahasra-Nama. He, therefore, called the Ramadasi to Him and said to him that, He was suffering from intense stomach-pain, and unless He took Senna-pods (Sona-mukhi, a mild purgative drug) the pain would not stop; so he should please go to the bazar and bring the drug. The Ramadasi closed his reading and went to the bazar. Then Baba descended from His seat, came to the Ramadasi's place of reading, took out the copy of Vishnu-Sahasra-Nama, and coming to His seat said to Shama- "Oh Shama, this book is very valuable and efficacious, so I present it to you, you read it. Once I suffered intensely and My heart began to palpitate and My life was in danger. At that critical time, I hugged this book to My heart and then, Shama, what a relief it gave me! I thought that Allah Himself came down and saved Me. So I give this to you, read it slowly, little by little, read daily one name at least and it will do you good." Shama replied that he did not want it, and that the owner of it, the Ramadasi who was a mad, obstinate and irritable fellow would certainly pick up a quarrel with him, besides, being a rustic himself, he could not read distinctly the Sanskrit (Devanagari) letters of the book.

Shama thought that Baba wanted to set him up against the Ramadasi by this act of His, but he had no idea of what Baba felt for him. Baba must have thought to tie this necklace of Vishu-Sahasra-Nama round the neck of Shama, as he was an intimate devotee, though a rustic, and thus save him from the miseries of the worldly existence. The efficacy of God's Name is well-known. It saves us from all sins and bad tendencies, frees us from the cycle of births and deaths. There is no easier sadhana than this. It is the best purifier of our mind. It requires no paraphernalia and no restrictions. It is so easy and so effective. This sadhana, Baba wanted Shama to practise, though he did not crave for it. So Baba forced this on him. It is also reported that long ago, Eknath Maharaj, similarly, forced this Vishnu-Sahasra-Nama on a poor Brahmin neighbour, and thus saved him. The reading and study of this Vishnu-Sahasra-Nama is a broad open way of purifying the mind, and hence Baba thrust this on His Shama.

The Ramadasi returned soon with the Seena-pods. Anna Chinchanikar, who was then present and who wanted to play the part of Narada (the Celestial Rishi who was well-known for setting up quarrels between Gods and demons and vice versa), informed him of what had happened. The Ramadasi at once flared up. He came down at once on Shama with all fury. He said that it was Shama who set Baba to send him away under the pretext of stomach-ache for bringing the medicine and thus got the book. He began to scold and abuse Shama and remarked that if the book be not returned, he would dash his head before him. Shama calmly remonstrated with him, but in vain. Then Baba spoke kindly to him as follows - "Oh Ramadasi, what is the matter with you? Why are you so turbulent? Is not Shama our boy? Why do you scold him unnecessarily. How is it that you are so quarrelsome? Can you not speak soft and sweet words? You read daily these sacred books and still your mind is impure and your passions uncontrolled. What sort of a Ramadasi you are! You ought to be indifferent to all things. Is it not strange that you should covet this book so strongly? A true Ramadasi should have no 'mamata' (attachment) but have 'samata' (equality) towards all. You are now quarrelling with the boy Shama for a mere book. Go, take your seat, books can be had in plenty for money, but not men; think well and be considerate. What worth is your book? Shama had no concern with it. I took it up Myself and gave it to him. You know it by heart. I thought Shama might read it and profit thereby, and so I gave to it him."

How sweet were these words of Baba, soft, tender and nectar-like! Their effect was wonderful. The Ramadasi calmed down and said to Shama that he would take 'Panch-ratni' Geeta in return. Shama was much pleased and said - "Why one, I shall give ten copies in return".

So the matter was ultimately compromised. The question for consideration is "Why should the Ramadasi press for Pancha-ratni Geeta, the God in which he never cared to know, and why should he, who daily read religious books in the Masjid in front of Baba, quarrel with Shama before Him?" We do not know how to apportion the blame and whom to blame. We only say that, had this procedure been not gone through, the importance of the subject, the efficacy of God's name and the study of Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam would not have been brought home to Shama. So we see that Baba's method, of teaching and initiating was unique. In this cases Shama did gradually study the book and mastered its contents to such an extent, that he was able to explain it to Professor G.G. Narke, M.A. of the College of Engineering, Poona, the son-in-law of Shriman Booty and a devotee of Baba.

                                          * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * *
Vishnu Sahasranamam with meanings
1) vishvam: He who is the universe, the virat-purusha
2) vishnuh: He who pervades everywhere
3) vashatkaarah: He who is invoked for oblations
4) bhoota-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuh: The Lord of past, present and future
5) bhoota-krit: The creator of all creatures
6) bhoota-bhrit: He who nourishes all creatures
7) bhaavo: He who becomes all moving and non-moving things
8) bhootaatmaa: The aatman of all beings
9) bhoota-bhaavanah: The cause of the growth and birth of all creatures
10) pootaatmaa: He with an extremely pure essence
11) paramaatmaa: The Supersoul
12) muktaanaam paramaa gatih: The final goal, reached by liberated souls
13) avyayah: Without destruction
14) purushah: He who dwells in the city of nine gates
15) saakshee: The witness
16) kshetrajnah: The knower of the field
17) akshara: Indestructible
18) yogah: He who is realized through yoga
19) yoga-vidaam netaa: The guide of those who know yoga
20) pradhaana-purusheshvarah: Lord of pradhaana and purusha
21) naarasimha-vapuh: He whose form is man-lion
22) shreemaan: He who is always with shree
23) keshavah: He who has beautiful locks of hair
24) purushottamah: The Supreme Controller
25) sarvah: He who is everything
26) sharvas: The auspicious
27) shivah: He who is eternally pure
28) sthaanuh: The pillar, the immovable truth
29) bhootaadih: The cause of the five great elements
30) nidhir-avyayah: The imperishable treasure
31) sambhavah: He who descends of His own free will
32) bhaavanah: He who gives everything to his devotees
33) bhartaa: He who governs the entire living world
34) prabhavah: The womb of the five great elements
35) prabhuh: The Almighty Lord
36) eeshvarah: He who can do anything without any help
37) svayambhooh: He who manifests from Himself
38) shambhuh: He who brings auspiciousness
39) aadityah: The son of Aditi (Vaamana)
40) pushkaraakshah: He who has eyes like the lotus
41) mahaasvanah: He who has a thundering voice
42) anaadi-nidhanah: He without origin or end
43) dhaataa: He who supports all fields of experience
44) vidhaataa: The dispenser of fruits of action
45) dhaaturuttamah: The subtlest atom
46) aprameyah: He who cannot be perceived
47) hrisheekeshah: The Lord of the senses
48) padmanaabhah: He from whose navel comes the lotus
49) amaraprabhuh: The Lord of the devas
50) vishvakarmaa: The creator of the universe
51) manuh: He who has manifested as the Vedic mantras
52) tvashtaa: He who makes huge things small
53) sthavishtah: The supremely gross
54) sthaviro dhruvah: The ancient, motionless one
55) agraahyah: He who is not perceived sensually
56) shaashvatah: He who always remains the same
57) krishno: He whose complexion is dark
58) lohitaakshah: Red-eyed
59) pratardanah: The Supreme destruction
60) prabhootas: Ever-full
61) trikakub-dhaama: The support of the three quarters
62) pavitram: He who gives purity to the heart
63) mangalam param: The Supreme auspiciousness
64) eeshanah: The controller of the five great elements
65) praanadah: He who gives life
66) praano: He who ever lives
67) jyeshthah: Older than all
68) shreshthah: The most glorious
69) prajaapatih: The Lord of all creatures
70) hiranyagarbhah: He who dwells in the womb of the world
71) bhoogarbhah: He who is the womb of the world
72) maadhavah: Husband of Lakshmi
73) madhusoodanah: Destroyer of the Madhu demon
74) eeshvarah: The controller
75) vikramee: He who is full of prowess
76) dhanvee: He who always has a divine bow
77) medhaavee: Supremely intelligent
78) vikramah: He who stepped (Vaamana)
79) kramah: All-pervading
80) anuttamah: Incomparably great
81) duraadharshah: He who cannot be attacked successfully
82) kritajnah: He who knows all that is
83) kritih: He who rewards all our actions
84) aatmavaan: The self in all beings
85) sureshah: The Lord of the demigods
86) sharanam: The refuge
87) sharma: He who is Himself infinite bliss
88) visva-retaah: The seed of the universe
89) prajaa-bhavah: He from whom all praja comes
90) ahah: He who is the nature of time
91) samvatsarah: He from whom the concept of time comes
92) vyaalah: The serpent (vyaalah) to atheists
93) pratyayah: He whose nature is knowledge
94) sarvadarshanah: All-seeing
95) ajah: Unborn
96) sarveshvarah: Controller of all
97) siddhah: The most famous
98) siddhih: He who gives moksha
99) sarvaadih: The beginning of all
100) achyutah: Infallible
101) vrishaakapih: He who lifts the world to dharma
102) ameyaatmaa: He who manifests in infinite varieties
103) sarva-yoga-vinissritah: He who is free from all attachments
104) vasuh: The support of all elements
105) vasumanaah: He whose mind is supremely pure
106) satyah: The truth
107) samaatmaa: He who is the same in all
108) sammitah: He who has been accepted by authorities
109) samah: Equal
110) amoghah: Ever useful
111) pundareekaakshah: He who dwells in the heart
112) vrishakarmaa: He whose every act is righteous
113) vrishaakritih: The form of dharma
114) rudrah: He who makes all people weep
115) bahu-shiraah: He who has many heads
116) babhrur: He who rules over all the worlds
117) vishvayonih: The womb of the universe
118) shuchi-shravaah: He who has beautiful, sacred names
119) amritah: Immortal
120) shaashvatah-sthaanur: Permanent and immovable
121) varaaroho: The most glorious destination
122) mahaatapaah: He of great tapas
123) sarvagah: All-pervading
124) sarvavid-bhaanuh: All-knowing and effulgent
125) vishvaksenah: He against whom no army can stand
126) janaardanah: He who gives joy to good people
127) vedah: He who is the Vedas
128) vedavid: The knower of the Vedas
129) avyangah: Without imperfections
130) vedaangah: He whose limbs are the Vedas
131) vedavit: He who contemplates upon the Vedas
132) kavih: The seer
133) lokaadhyakshah: He who presides over all lokas
134) suraadhyaksho: He who presides over all devas
135) dharmaadhyakshah: He who presides over dharma
136) krita-akritah: All that is created and not created
137) chaturaatmaa: The four-fold self
138) chaturvyoohah: Vasudeva, Sankarshan etc
139) chaturdamstrah: He who has four canines (Nrsimha)
140) chaturbhujah: Four-handed
141) bhraajishnur: Self-effulgent consciousness
142) bhojanam: He who is the sense-objects
143) bhoktaa: The enjoyer
144) sahishnuh: He who can suffer patiently
145) jagadaadijah: Born at the beginning of the world
146) anaghah: Sinless
147) vijayah: Victorious
148) jetaa: Ever-successful
149) vishvayonih: He who incarnates because of the world
150) punarvasuh: He who lives repeatedly in different bodies
151) upendrah: The younger brother of Indra (vaamana)
152) vaamanah: He with a dwarf body
153) praamshuh: He with a huge body
154) amoghah: He whose acts are for a great purpose
155) shuchih: He who is spotlessly clean
156) oorjitah: He who has infinite vitality
157) ateendrah: He who surpasses Indra
158) samgrahah: He who holds everything together
159) sargah: He who creates the world from Himself
160) dhritaatmaa: Established in Himself
161) niyamo: The appointing authority
162) yamah: The administrator
163) vedyah: That which is to be known
164) vaidyah: The Supreme doctor
165) sadaa-yogee: Always in yoga
166) veerahaa: He who destroys the mighty heroes
167) maadhavo: The Lord of all knowledge
168) madhuh: Sweet
169) ateendriyo: Beyond the sense organs
170) mahaamayo: The Supreme Master of all Maya
171) mahotsaaho: The great enthusiast
172) mahaabalah: He who has supreme strength
173) mahaabuddhir: He who has supreme intelligence
174) mahaa-veeryah: The supreme essence
175) mahaa-shaktih: All-powerful
176) mahaa-dyutih: Greatly luminous
177) anirdeshya-vapuh: He whose form is indescribable
178) shreemaan: He who is always courted by glories
179) ameyaatmaa: He whose essence is immeasurable
180) mahaadri-dhrik: He who supports the great mountain
181) maheshvaasah: He who wields shaarnga
182) maheebhartaa: The husband of mother earth
183) shreenivaasah: The permanent abode of Shree
184) sataam gatih: The goal for all virtuous people
185) aniruddhah: He who cannot be obstructed
186) suraanando: He who gives out happiness
187) govindah: The protector of the cows
188) govidaam-patih: The Lord of all men of wisdom
189) mareechih: Effulgence
190) damanah: He who controls rakshasas
191) hamsah: The swan
192) suparnah: Beautiful-winged (Two birds analogy)
193) bhujagottamah: The serpent Ananta
194) hiranyanaabhah: He who has a golden navel
195) sutapaah: He who has glorious tapas
196) padmanaabhah: He whose navel is like a lotus
197) prajaapatih: He from whom all creatures emerge
198) amrityuh: He who knows no death
199) sarva-drik: The seer of everything
200) simhah: He who destroys
201) sandhaataa: The regulator
202) sandhimaan: He who seems to be conditioned
203) sthirah: Steady
204) ajah: He who takes the form of Aja, Brahma
205) durmarshanah: He who cannot be vanquished
206) shaastaa: He who rules over the universe
207) visrutaatmaa: He who is called atma in the Vedas
208) suraarihaa: Destroyer of the enemies of the devas
209) guruh: The teacher
210) gurutamah: The greatest teacher
211) dhaama: The goal
212) satyah: He who is Himself the truth
213) satya-paraakramah: Dynamic Truth
214) nimishah: He who has closed eyes in contemplation
215) animishah: He who remains unwinking; ever knowing
216) sragvee: He who always wears a garland of undecaying flowers
217) vaachaspatir-udaara-dheeh: He who is eloquent in championing the Supreme law of life; He with a large-hearted intelligence
218) agraneeh: He who guides us to the peak
219) graamaneeh: He who leads the flock
220) shreemaan: The possessor of light, effulgence, glory
221) nyaayah: Justice
222) netaa: The leader
223) sameeranah: He who sufficiently administers all movements of all living creatures
224) sahasra-moordhaa: He who has endless heads
225) vishvaatmaa: The soul of the universe
226) sahasraakshah: Thousands of eyes
227) sahasrapaat: Thousand-footed
228) aavartanah: The unseen dynamism
229) nivritaatmaa: The soul retreated from matter
230) samvritah: He who is veiled from the jiva
231) sam-pramardanah: He who persecutes evil men
232) ahassamvartakah: He who thrills the day and makes it function vigorously
233) vahnih: Fire
234) anilah: Air
235) dharaneedharah: He who supports the earth
236) suprasaadah: Fully satisfied
237) prasanaatmaa: Ever pure and all-blissful self
238) vishva-dhrik: Supporter of the world
239) vishvabhuk: He who enjoys all experiences
240) vibhuh: He who manifests in endless forms
241) satkartaa: He who adores good and wise people
242) satkritah: He who is adored by all good people
243) saadhur: He who lives by the righteous codes
244) jahnuh: Leader of men
245) naaraayanah: He who resides on the waters
246) narah: The guide
247) asankhyeyah: He who has numberless names and forms
248) aprameyaatmaa: A soul not known through the pramanas
249) vishishtah: He who transcends all in His glory
250) shishta-krit: The law-maker
251) shuchih: He who is pure
252) siddhaarthah: He who has all arthas
253) siddhasankalpah: He who gets all He wishes for
254) siddhidah: The giver of benedictions
255) siddhisaadhanah: The power behind our sadhana
256) vrishaahee: Controller of all actions
257) vrishabhah: He who showers all dharmas
258) vishnuh: Long-striding
259) vrishaparvaa: The ladder leading to dharma (As well as dharma itself)
260) vrishodarah: He from whose belly life showers forth
261) vardhanah: The nurturer and nourisher
262) vardhamaanah: He who can grow into any dimension
263) viviktah: Separate
264) shruti-saagarah: The ocean for all scripture
265) subhujah: He who has graceful arms
266) durdurdharah: He who cannot be known by great yogis
267) vaagmee: He who is eloquent in speech
268) mahendrah: The lord of Indra
269) vasudah: He who gives all wealth
270) vasuh: He who is Wealth
271) naika-roopo: He who has unlimited forms
272) brihad-roopah: Vast, of infinite dimensions
273) shipivishtah: The presiding deity of the sun
274) prakaashanah: He who illuminates
275) ojas-tejo-dyutidharah: The possessor of vitality, effulgence and beauty
276) prakaashaatmaa: The effulgent self
277) prataapanah: Thermal energy; one who heats
278) riddhah: Full of prosperity
279) spashtaaksharo: One who is indicated by OM
280) mantrah: The nature of the Vedic mantras
281) chandraamshuh: The rays of the moon
282) bhaaskara-dyutih: The effulgence of the sun
283) amritaamsoodbhavo: The moon who gives flavor to vegetables
284) bhaanuh: Self-effulgent
285) shashabindhuh: The moon who has a rabbit-like spot
286) sureshvarah: A person of extreme charity
287) aushadham: Medicine
288) jagatas-setuh: A bridge across the material energy
289) satya-dharma-paraakramah: One who champions heroically for truth and righteousness
290) bhoota-bhavya-bhavan-naathah: The Lord of past, present and future
291) pavanah: The air that fills the universe
292) paavanah: He who gives life-sustaining power to air
293) analah: Fire
294) kaamahaa: He who destroys all desires
295) kaamakrit: He who fulfills all desires
296) kaantah: He who is of enchanting form
297) kaamah: The beloved
298) kaamapradah: He who supplies desired objects
299) prabhuh: The Lord
300) yugaadi-krit: The creator of the yugas
301) yugaavartah: The law behind time
302) naikamaayah: He whose forms are endless and varied
303) mahaashanah: He who eats up everything
304) adrishyah: Imperceptible
305) vyaktaroopah: He who is perceptible to the yogi
306) sahasrajit: He who vanquishes thousands
307) anantajit: Ever-victorious
308) ishtah: He who is invoked through Vedic rituals
309) visishtah: The noblest and most sacred
310) sishteshtah: The greatest beloved
311) shikhandee: He who wears a peacock feather
312) nahushah: He who binds all with maya
313) vrishah: He who is dharma
314) krodhahaa: He who destroys anger
315) krodhakrit-kartaa: He who generates anger against the lower tendency
316) visvabaahuh: He whose hand is in everything
317) maheedharah: The support of the earth
318) achyutah: He who undergoes no changes
319) prathitah: He who exists pervading all
320) praanah: The prana in all living creatures
321) praanadah: He who gives prana
322) vaasavaanujah: The brother of Indra
323) apaam-nidhih: Treasure of waters (the ocean)
324) adhishthaanam: The substratum of the entire universe
325) apramattah: He who never makes a wrong judgement
326) pratishthitah: He who has no cause
327) skandah: He whose glory is expressed through Subrahmanya
328) skanda-dharah: Upholder of withering righteousness
329) dhuryah: Who carries out creation etc without hitch
330) varadah: He who fulfills boons
331) vaayuvaahanah: Controller of winds
332) vaasudevah: Dwelling in all creatures although not affected by that condition
333) brihat-bhaanuh: He who illumines the world with the rays of the sun and moon
334) aadidevah: The primary source of everything
335) purandarah: Destroyer of cities
336) ashokah: He who has no sorrow
337) taaranah: He who enables others to cross
338) taarah: He who saves
339) shoorah: The valiant
340) shaurih: He who incarnated in the dynasty of Shoora
341) janeshvarah: The Lord of the people
342) anukoolah: Well-wisher of everyone
343) sataavarttah: He who takes infinite forms
344) padmee: He who holds a lotus
345) padmanibhekshanah: Lotus-eyed
346) padmanaabhah: He who has a lotus-navel
347) aravindaakshah: He who has eyes as beautiful as the lotus
348) padmagarbhah: He who is being meditated upon in the lotus of the heart
349) shareerabhrit: He who sustains all bodies
350) maharddhi: One who has great prosperity
351) riddhah: He who has expanded Himself as the universe
352) Vriddhaatmaa: The ancient self
353) mahaakshah: The great-eyed
354) garudadhvajah: One who has Garuda on His flag
355) atulah: Incomparable
356) sharabhah: One who dwells and shines forth through the bodies
357) bheemah: The terrible
358) samayajnah: One whose worship is nothing more than keeping an equal vision of the mind by the devotee
359) havirharih: The receiver of all oblation
360) sarva-lakshana-lakshanyah: Known through all proofs
361) lakshmeevaan: The consort of Laksmi
362) samitinjayah: Ever-victorious
363) viksharah: Imperishable
364) rohitah: The fish incarnation
365) maargah: The path
366) hetuh: The cause
367) daamodarah: Whose stomach is marked with three lines
368) sahah: All-enduring
369) maheedharah: The bearer of the earth
370) mahaabhaago: He who gets the greates share in every Yajna
371) vegavaan: He who is swift
372) amitaashanah: Of endless appetite
373) udbhavah: The originator
374) kshobhanah: The agitator
375) devah: He who revels
376) shreegarbhah: He in whom are all glories
377) parameshvarah: The Supreme Lord
378) karanam: The instrument
379) kaaranam: The cause
380) kartaa: The doer
381) vikartaa: Creator of the endless varieties that make up the universe
382) gahanah: The unknowable
383) guhah: He who dwells in the cave of the heart
384) vyavasaayah: Resolute
385) vyavasthaanah: The substratum
386) samsthaanah: The ultimate authority
387) sthaanadah: He who confers the right abode
388) dhruvah: The changeless in the midst of changes
389) pararddhih: He who has supreme manifestations
390) paramaspashtah: The extremely vivid
391) tushtah: One who is contented with a very simple offering
392) pushtah: One who is ever-full
393) shubhekshanah: All-auspicious gaze
394) raamah: One who is most handsome
395) viraamah: The abode of perfect-rest
396) virajo: Passionless
397) maargah: The path
398) neyah: The guide
399) nayah: One who leads
400) anayah: One who has no leader
401) veerah: The valiant
402) shaktimataam-shresthah: The best among the powerful
403) dharmah: The law of being
404) dharmaviduttamah: The highest among men of realisation
405) vaikunthah: One who prevents men from straying on wrong paths
406) purushah: One who dwells in all bodies
407) praanah: Life
408) praanadah: Giver of life
409) pranavah: He who is praised by the gods
410) prituh: The expanded
411) hiranyagarbhah: The creator
412) shatrughnah: The destroyer of enemies
413) vyaaptah: The pervader
414) vaayuh: The air
415) adhokshajah: One whose vitality never flows downwards
416) rituh: The seasons
417) sudarshanah: He whose meeting is auspicious
418) kaalah: He who judges and punishes beings
419) parameshthee: One who is readily available for experience within the heart
420) parigrahah: The receiver
421) ugrah: The terrible
422) samvatsarah: The year
423) dakshah: The smart
424) vishraamah: The resting place
425) vishva-dakshinah: The most skilful and efficient
426) vistaarah: The extension
427) sthaavarah-sthaanuh: The firm and motionless
428) pramaanam: The proof
429) beejamavyayam: The Immutable Seed
430) arthah: He who is worshiped by all
431) anarthah: One to whom there is nothing yet to be fulfilled
432) mahaakoshah: He who has got around him great sheaths
433) mahaabhogah: He who is of the nature of enjoyment
434) mahaadhanah: He who is supremely rich
435) anirvinnah: He who has no discontent
436) sthavishthah: One who is supremely huge
437) a-bhooh: One who has no birth
438) dharma-yoopah: The post to which all dharma is tied
439) mahaa-makhah: The great sacrificer
440) nakshatranemir: The nave of the stars
441) nakshatree: The Lord of the stars (the moon)
442) kshamah: He who is supremely efficient in all undertakings
443) kshaamah: He who ever remains without any scarcity
444) sameehanah: One whose desires are auspicious
445) yajnah: One who is of the nature of yajna
446) ijyah: He who is fit to be invoked through yajna
447) mahejyah: One who is to be most worshiped
448) kratuh: The animal-sacrifice
449) satram: Protector of the good
450) sataam-gatih: Refuge of the good
451) sarvadarshee: All-knower
452) vimuktaatmaa: The ever-liberated self
453) sarvajno: Omniscient
454) jnaanamuttamam: The Supreme Knowledge
455) suvratah: He who ever-perfoeming the pure vow
456) sumukhah: One who has a charming face
457) sookshmah: The subtlest
458) sughoshah: Of auspicious sound
459) sukhadah: Giver of happiness
460) suhrit: Friend of all creatures
461) manoharah: The stealer of the mind
462) jita-krodhah: One who has conquered anger
463) veerabaahur: Having mighty arms
464) vidaaranah: One who splits asunder
465) svaapanah: One who puts people to sleep
466) svavashah: He who has everything under His control
467) vyaapee: All-pervading
468) naikaatmaa: Many souled
469) naikakarmakrit: One who does many actions
470) vatsarah: The abode
471) vatsalah: The supremely affectionate
472) vatsee: The father
473) ratnagarbhah: The jewel-wombed
474) dhaneshvarah: The Lord of wealth
475) dharmagub: One who protects dharma
476) dharmakrit: One who acts according to dharma
477) dharmee: The supporter of dharma
478) sat: existence
479) asat: illusion
480) ksharam: He who appears to perish
481) aksharam: Imperishable
482) avijnaataa: The non-knower (The knower being the conditioned soul within the body)
483) sahasraamshur: The thousand-rayed
484) vidhaataa: All supporter
485) kritalakshanah: One who is famous for His qualities
486) gabhastinemih: The hub of the universal wheel
487) sattvasthah: Situated in sattva
488) simhah: The lion
489) bhoota-maheshvarah: The great lord of beings
490) aadidevah: The first deity
491) mahaadevah: The great deity
492) deveshah: The Lord of all devas
493) devabhrit-guruh: Advisor of Indra
494) uttarah: He who lifts us from the ocean of samsara
495) gopatih: The shepherd
496) goptaa: The protector
497) jnaanagamyah: One who is experienced through pure knowledge
498) puraatanah: He who was even before time
499) shareera-bhootabhrit: One who nourishes the nature from which the bodies came
500) bhoktaa: The enjoyer
501) kapeendrah: Lord of the monkeys (Rama)
502) bhooridakshinah: He who gives away large gifts
503) somapah: One who takes Soma in the yajnas
504) amritapah: One who drinks the nectar
505) somah: One who as the moon nourishes plants
506) purujit: One who has conquered numerous enemies
507) purusattamah: The greatest of the great
508) vinayah: He who humiliates those who are unrighteous
509) jayah: The victorious
510) satyasandhah: Of truthful resolution
511) daashaarhah: One who was born in the Dasarha race
512) saatvataam-patih: The Lord of the Satvatas
513) jeevah: One who functions as the ksetrajna
514) vinayitaa-saakshee: The witness of modesty
515) mukundah: The giver of liberation
516) amitavikramah: Of immeasurable prowess
517) ambho-nidhir: The substratum of the four types of beings
518) anantaatmaa: The infinite self
519) mahodadhishayah: One who rests on the great ocean
520) antakah: The death
521) ajah: Unborn
522) mahaarhah: One who deserves the highest worship
523) svaabhaavyah: Ever rooted in the nature of His own self
524) jitaamitrah: One who has conquered all enemies
525) pramodanah: Ever-blissful
526) aanandah: A mass of pure bliss
527) nandanah: One who makes others blissful
528) nandah: Free from all worldly pleasures
529) satyadharmaa: One who has in Himself all true dharmas
530) trivikramah: One who took three steps
531) maharshih kapilaachaaryah: He who incarnated as Kapila, the great sage
532) kritajnah: The knower of the creation
533) medineepatih: The Lord of the earth
534) tripadah: One who has taken three steps
535) tridashaadhyaksho: The Lord of the three states of consciousness
536) mahaashringah: Great-horned (Matsya)
537) kritaantakrit: Destroyer of the creation
538) mahaavaraaho: The great boar
539) govindah: One who is known through Vedanta
540) sushenah: He who has a charming army
541) kanakaangadee: Wearer of bright-as-gold armlets
542) guhyo: The mysterious
543) gabheerah: The unfathomable
544) gahano: Impenetrable
545) guptah: The well-concealed
546) chakra-gadaadharah: Bearer of the disc and mace
547) vedhaah: Creator of the universe
548) svaangah: One with well-proportioned limbs
549) ajitah: Vanquished by none
550) krishnah: Dark-complexioned
551) dridhah: The firm
552) sankarshanochyutah: He who absorbs the whole creation into His nature and never falls away from that nature
553) varunah: One who sets on the horizon (Sun)
554) vaarunah: The son of Varuna (Vasistha or Agastya)
555) vrikshah: The tree
556) pushkaraakshah: Lotus eyed
557) mahaamanaah: Great-minded
558) bhagavaan: One who possesses six opulences
559) bhagahaa: One who destroys the six opulences during pralaya
560) aanandee: One who gives delight
561) vanamaalee: One who wears a garland of forest flowers
562) halaayudhah: One who has a plough as His weapon
563) aadityah: Son of Aditi
564) jyotiraadityah: The resplendence of the sun
565) sahishnuh: One who calmly endures duality
566) gatisattamah: The ultimate refuge for all devotees
567) sudhanvaa: One who has Shaarnga
568) khanda-parashur: One who holds an axe
569) daarunah: Merciless towards the unrighteous
570) dravinapradah: One who lavishly gives wealth
571) divah-sprik: Sky-reaching
572) sarvadrik-vyaaso: One who creates many men of wisdom
573) vaachaspatir-ayonijah: One who is the master of all vidyas and who is unborn through a womb
574) trisaamaa: One who is glorified by Devas, Vratas and Saamans
575) saamagah: The singer of the sama songs
576) saama: The Sama Veda
577) nirvaanam: All-bliss
578) bheshajam: Medicine
579) bhishak: Physician
580) samnyaasa-krit: Institutor of sannyasa
581) samah: Calm
582) shaantah: Peaceful within
583) nishthaa: Abode of all beings
584) shaantih: One whose very nature is peace
585) paraayanam: The way to liberation
586) shubhaangah: One who has the most beautiful form
587) shaantidah: Giver of peace
588) shrashtaa: Creator of all beings
589) kumudah: He who delights in the earth
590) kuvaleshayah: He who reclines in the waters
591) gohitah: One who does welfare for cows
592) gopatih: Husband of the earth
593) goptaa: Protector of the universe
594) vrishabhaaksho: One whose eyes rain fulfilment of desires
595) vrishapriyah: One who delights in dharma
596) anivartee: One who never retreats
597) nivrittaatmaa: One who is fully restrained from all sense indulgences
598) samksheptaa: The involver
599) kshemakrit: Doer of good
600) shivah: Auspiciousness
601) shreevatsa-vakshaah: One who has sreevatsa on His chest
602) shrevaasah: Abode of Sree
603) shreepatih: Lord of Laksmi
604) shreemataam varah: The best among glorious
605) shreedah: Giver of opulence
606) shreeshah: The Lord of Sree
607) shreenivaasah: One who dwells in the good people
608) shreenidhih: The treasure of Sree
609) shreevibhaavanah: Distributor of Sree
610) shreedharah: Holder of Sree
611) shreekarah: One who gives Sree
612) shreyah: Liberation
613) shreemaan: Possessor of Sree
614) loka-trayaashrayah: Shelter of the three worlds
615) svakshah: Beautiful-eyed
616) svangah: Beautiful-limbed
617) shataanandah: Of infinite varieties and joys
618) nandih: Infinite bliss
619) jyotir-ganeshvarah: Lord of the luminaries in the cosmos
620) vijitaatmaa: One who has conquered the sense organs
621) vidheyaatmaa: One who is ever available for the devotees to command in love
622) sat-keertih: One of pure fame
623) chinnasamshayah: One whose doubts are ever at rest
624) udeernah: The great transcendent
625) sarvatah-chakshuh: One who has eyes everywhere
626) aneeshah: One who has none to Lord over Him
627) shaashvata-sthirah: One who is eternal and stable
628) bhooshayah: One who rested on the ocean shore (Rama)
629) bhooshanah: One who adorns the world
630) bhootih: One who is pure existence
631) vishokah: Sorrowless
632) shoka-naashanah: Destroyer of sorrows
633) archishmaan: The effulgent
634) architah: One who is constantly worshipped by His devotees
635) kumbhah: The pot within whom everything is contained
636) vishuddhaatmaa: One who has the purest soul
637) vishodhanah: The great purifier
638) anniruddhah: He who is invincible by any enemy
639) apratirathah: One who has no enemies to threaten Him
640) pradyumnah: Very rich
641) amitavikramah: Of immeasurable prowess
642) kaalanemi-nihaa: Slayer of Kalanemi
643) veerah: The heroic victor
644) shauri: One who always has invincible prowess
645) shoora-janeshvarah: Lord of the valiant
646) trilokaatmaa: The self of the three worlds
647) trilokeshah: The Lord of the three worlds
648) keshavah: One whose rays illumine the cosmos
649) keshihaa: Killer of Kesi
650) harih: The destroyer
651) kaamadevah: The beloved Lord
652) kaamapaalah: The fulfiller of desires
653) kaamee: One who has fulfilled all His desires
654) kaantah: Of enchanting form
655) kritaagamah: The author of the agama scriptures
656) anirdeshya-vapuh: Of Indescribable form
657) vishnuh: All-pervading
658) veerah: The courageous
659) anantah: Endless
660) dhananjayah: One who gained wealth through conquest
661) brahmanyah: Protector of Brahman (anything related to Narayana)
662) brahmakrit: One who acts in Brahman
663) brahmaa: Creator
664) brahma: Biggest
665) brahma-vivardhanah: One who increases the Brahman
666) brahmavid: One who knows Brahman
667) braahmanah: One who has realised Brahman
668) brahmee: One who is with Brahma
669) brahmajno: One who knows the nature of Brahman
670) braahmana-priyah: Dear to the brahmanas
671) mahaakramo: Of great step
672) mahaakarmaa: One who performs great deeds
673) mahaatejaah: One of great resplendence
674) mahoragah: The great serpent
675) mahaakratuh: The great sacrifice
676) mahaayajvaa: One who performed great yajnas
677) mahaayajnah: The great yajna
678) mahaahavih: The great offering
679) stavyah: One who is the object of all praise
680) stavapriyah: One who is invoked through prayer
681) stotram: The hymn
682) stutih: The act of praise
683) stotaa: One who adores or praises
684) ranapriyah: Lover of battles
685) poornah: The complete
686) poorayitaa: The fulfiller
687) punyah: The truly holy
688) punya-keertir: Of Holy fame
689) anaamayah: One who has no diseases
690) manojavah: Swift as the mind
691) teerthakaro: The teacher of the tirthas
692) vasuretaah: He whose essence is golden
693) vasupradah: The free-giver of wealth
694) vasupradah: The giver of salvation, the greatest wealth
695) vaasudevo: The son of Vasudeva
696) vasuh: The refuge for all
697) vasumanaah: One who is attentive to everything
698) havih: The oblation
699) sadgatih: The goal of good people
700) satkritih: One who is full of Good actions
701) satta: One without a second
702) sadbhootih: One who has rich glories
703) satparaayanah: The Supreme goal for the good
704) shoorasenah: One who has heroic and valiant armies
705) yadu-shresthah: The best among the Yadava clan
706) sannivaasah: The abode of the good
707) suyaamunah: One who attended by the people dwelling on the banks of Yamuna
708) bhootaavaaso: The dwelling place of the elements
709) vaasudevah: One who envelops the world with Maya
710) sarvaasunilayah: The abode of all life energies
711) analah: One of unlimited wealth, power and glory
712) darpahaa: The destroyer of pride in evil-minded people
713) darpadah: One who creates pride, or an urge to be the best, among the righteous
714) driptah: One who is drunk with Infinite bliss
715) durdharah: The object of contemplation
716) athaaparaajitah: The unvanquished
717) vishvamoortih: Of the form of the entire Universe
718) mahaamortir: The great form
719) deeptamoortir: Of resplendent form
720) a-moortirmaan: Having no form
721) anekamoortih: Multi-formed
722) avyaktah: Unmanifeset
723) shatamoortih: Of many forms
724) shataananah: Many-faced
725) ekah: The one
726) naikah: The many
727) savah: The nature of the sacrifice
728) kah: One who is of the nature of bliss
729) kim: What (the one to be inquired into)
730) yat: Which
731) tat: That
732) padam-anuttamam: The unequalled state of perfection
733) lokabandhur: Friend of the world
734) lokanaathah: Lord of the world
735) maadhavah: Born in the family of Madhu
736) bhaktavatsalah: One who loves His devotees
737) suvarna-varnah: Golden-coloured
738) hemaangah: One who has limbs of gold
739) varaangah: With beautiful limbs
740) chandanaangadee: One who has attractive armlets
741) veerahaa: Destroyer of valiant heroes
742) vishama: Unequalled
743) shoonyah: The void
744) ghritaaseeh: One who has no need for good wishes
745) acalah: Non-moving
746) chalah: Moving
747) amaanee: Without false vanity
748) maanadah: One who causes, by His maya, false identification with the body
749) maanyah: One who is to be honoured
750) lokasvaamee: Lord of the universe
751) trilokadhrik: One who is the support of all the three worlds
752) sumedhaa: One who has pure intelligence
753) medhajah: Born out of sacrifices
754) dhanyah: Fortunate
755) satyamedhah: One whose intelligence never fails
756) dharaadharah: The sole support of the earth
757) tejovrisho: One who showers radiance
758) dyutidharah: One who bears an effulgent form
759) sarva-shastra-bhritaam-varah: The best among those who wield weapons
760) pragrahah: Receiver of worship
761) nigrahah: The killer
762) vyagrah: One who is ever engaged in fulfilling the devotee's desires
763) naikashringah: One who has many horns
764) gadaagrajah: One who is invoked through mantra
765) chaturmoortih: Four-formed
766) chaturbaahuh: Four-handed
767) chaturvyoohah: One who expresses Himself as the dynamic centre in the four vyoohas
768) chaturgatih: The ultimate goal of all four varnas and asramas
769) chaturaatmaa: Clear-minded
770) chaturbhaavas: The source of the four
771) chatur-vedavid: Knower of all four vedas
772) ekapaat: One-footed (BG 10.42)
773) samaavartah: The efficient turner
774) nivrittaatmaa: One whose mind is turned away from sense indulgence
775) durjayah: The invincible
776) duratikramah: One who is difficult to be disobeyed
777) durlabhah: One who can be obtained with great efforts
778) durgamah: One who is realised with great effort
779) durgah: Not easy to storm into
780) duraavaasah: Not easy to lodge
781) duraarihaa: Slayer of the asuras
782) shubhaangah: One with enchanting limbs
783) lokasaarangah: One who understands the universe
784) sutantuh: Beautifully expanded
785) tantu-vardhanah: One who sustains the continuity of the drive for the family
786) indrakarmaa: One who always performs gloriously auspicious actions
787) mahaakarmaa: One who accomplishes great acts
788) kritakarmaa: One who has fulfilled his acts
789) kritaagamah: Author of the Vedas
790) udbhavah: The ultimate source
791) sundarah: Of unrivalled beauty
792) sundah: Of great mercy
793) ratna-naabhah: Of beautiful navel
794) sulochanah: One who has the most enchanting eyes
795) arkah: One who is in the form of the sun
796) vaajasanah: The giver of food
797) shringee: The horned one
798) jayantah: The conquerer of all enemies
799) sarvavij-jayee: One who is at once omniscient and victorious
800) suvarna-binduh: With limbs radiant like gold
801) akshobhyah: One who is ever unruffled
802) sarva-vaageeshvareshvarah: Lord of the Lord of speech
803) mahaahradah: One who is like a great refreshing swimming pool
804) mahaagartah: The great chasm
805) mahaabhootah: The great being
806) mahaanidhih: The great abode
807) kumudah: One who gladdens the earth
808) kundarah: The one who lifted the earth
809) kundah: One who is as attractive as Kunda flowers
810) parjanyah: He who is similar to rain-bearing clouds
811) paavanah: One who ever purifies
812) anilah: One who never slips
813) amritaashah: One whose desires are never fruitless
814) amritavapuh: He whose form is immortal
815) sarvajna: Omniscient
816) sarvato-mukhah: One who has His face turned everywhere
817) sulabhah: One who is readily available
818) suvratah: One who has taken the most auspicious forms
819) siddhah: One who is perfection
820) shatrujit: One who is ever victorious over His hosts of enemies
821) shatrutaapanah: The scorcher of enemies
822) nyagrodhah: The one who veils Himself with Maya
823) udumbarah: Nourishment of all living creatures
824) ashvattas: Tree of life
825) chaanooraandhra-nishoodanah: The slayer of Canura
826) sahasraarchih: He who has thousands of rays
827) saptajihvah: He who expresses himself as the seven tongues of fire (Types of agni)
828) saptaidhaah: The seven effulgences in the flames
829) saptavaahanah: One who has a vehicle of seven horses (sun)
830) amoortih: Formless
831) anaghah: Sinless
832) acintyo: Inconceivable
833) bhayakrit: Giver of fear
834) bhayanaashanah: Destroyer of fear
835) anuh: The subtlest
836) brihat: The greatest
837) krishah: Delicate, lean
838) sthoolah: One who is the fattest
839) gunabhrit: One who supports
840) nirgunah: Without any properties
841) mahaan: The mighty
842) adhritah: Without support
843) svadhritah: Self-supported
844) svaasyah: One who has an effulgent face
845) praagvamshah: One who has the most ancient ancestry
846) vamshavardhanah: He who multiplies His family of descendents
847) bhaarabhrit: One who carries the load of the universe
848) kathitah: One who is glorified in all scriptures
849) yogee: One who can be realised through yoga
850) yogeeshah: The king of yogis
851) sarvakaamadah: One who fulfils all desires of true devotees
852) aashramah: Haven
853) shramanah: One who persecutes the worldly people
854) kshaamah: One who destroys everything
855) suparnah: The golden leaf (Vedas) BG 15.1
856) vaayuvaahanah: The mover of the winds
857) dhanurdharah: The wielder of the bow
858) dhanurvedah: One who declared the science of archery
859) dandah: One who punishes the wicked
860) damayitaa: The controller
861) damah: Beautitude in the self
862) aparaajitah: One who cannot be defeated
863) sarvasahah: One who carries the entire Universe
864) aniyantaa: One who has no controller
865) niyamah: One who is not under anyone's laws
866) ayamah: One who knows no death
867) sattvavaan: One who is full of exploits and courage
868) saattvikah: One who is full of sattvic
869) satyah: Truth
870) satya-dharma-paraayanah: One who is the very abode of truth and dharma
871) abhipraayah: One who is faced by all seekers marching to the infinite
872) priyaarhah: One who deserves all our love
873) arhah: One who deserves to be worshiped
874) priyakrit: One who is ever-obliging in fulfilling our wishes
875) preetivardhanah: One who increases joy in the devotee's heart
876) vihaayasa-gatih: One who travels in space
877) jyotih: Self-effulgent
878) suruchih: Whose desire manifests as the universe
879) hutabhuk: One who enjoys all that is offered in yajna
880) vibhuh: All-pervading
881) ravih: One who dries up everything
882) virochanah: One who shines in different forms
883) sooryah: The one source from where everything is born
884) savitaa: The one who brings forth the Universe from Himself
885) ravilochanah: One whose eye is the sun
886) anantah: Endless
887) hutabhuk: One who accepts oblations
888) bhoktaaA: One who enjoys
889) sukhadah: Giver of bliss to those who are liberated
890) naikajah: One who is born many times
891) agrajah: The first-born
892) anirvinnah: One who feels no disappointment
893) sadaamarshee: One who forgives the trespasses of His devotees
894) lokaadhishthaanam: The substratum of the universe
895) adbhutah: Wonderful
896) sanaat: The beginningless and endless factor
897) sanaatanatamah: The most ancient
898) kapilah: The great sage Kapila
899) kapih: One who drinks water
900) apyayah: The one in whom the universe merges
901) svastidah: Giver of Svasti
902) svastikrit: One who robs all auspiciousness
903) svasti: One who is the source of all auspiciouness
904) svastibhuk: One who constantly enjoys auspiciousness
905) svastidakshinah: Distributor of auspiciousness
906) araudrah: One who has no negative emotions or urges
907) kundalee: One who wears shark earrings
908) chakree: Holder of the chakra
909) vikramee: The most daring
910) oorjita-shaasanah: One who commands with His hand
911) shabdaatigah: One who transcends all words
912) shabdasahah: One who allows Himself to be invoked by Vedic declarations
913) shishirah: The cold season, winter
914) sharvaree-karah: Creator of darkness
915) akroorah: Never cruel
916) peshalah: One who is supremely soft
917) dakshah: Prompt
918) dakshinah: The most liberal
919) kshaminaam-varah: One who has the greatest amount of patience with sinners
920) vidvattamah: One who has the greatest wisdom
921) veetabhayah: One with no fear
922) punya-shravana-keertanah: The hearing of whose glory causes holiness to grow
923) uttaaranah: One who lifts us out of the ocean of change
924) dushkritihaa: Destroyer of bad actions
925) punyah: Supremely pure
926) duh-svapna-naashanah: One who destroys all bad dreams
927) veerahaa: One who ends the passage from womb to womb
928) rakshanah: Protector of the universe
929) santah: One who is expressed through saintly men
930) jeevanah: The life spark in all creatures
931) paryavasthitah: One who dwells everywhere
932) anantaroopah: One of infinite forms
933) anantashreeh: Full of infinite glories
934) jitamanyuh: One who has no anger
935) bhayapahah: One who destroys all fears
936) chaturashrah: One who deals squarely
937) gabheeraatmaa: Too deep to be fathomed
938) vidishah: One who is unique in His giving
939) vyaadishah: One who is unique in His commanding power
940) dishah: One who advises and gives knowledge
941) anaadih: One who is the first cause
942) bhoor-bhuvo: The substratum of the earth
943) lakshmeeh: The glory of the universe
944) suveerah: One who moves through various ways
945) ruchiraangadah: One who wears resplendent shoulder caps
946) jananah: He who delivers all living creatures
947) jana-janmaadir: The cause of the birth of all creatures
948) bheemah: Terrible form
949) bheema-paraakramah: One whose prowess is fearful to His enemies
950) aadhaaranilayah: The fundamental sustainer
951) adhaataa: Above whom there is no other to command
952) pushpahaasah: He who shines like an opening flower
953) prajaagarah: Ever-awakened
954) oordhvagah: One who is on top of everything
955) satpathaachaarah: One who walks the path of truth
956) praanadah: Giver of life
957) pranavah: Omkara
958) panah: The supreme universal manager
959) pramaanam: He whose form is the Vedas
960) praananilayah: He in whom all prana is established
961) praanibhrit: He who rules over all pranas
962) praanajeevanah: He who maintains the life-breath in all living creatures
963) tattvam: The reality
964) tattvavit: One who has realised the reality
965) ekaatmaa: The one self
966) janma-mrityu-jaraatigah: One who knows no birth, death or old age in Himself
967) bhoor-bhuvah svas-taruh: The tree of bhur, bhuvah and svah
968) taarah: One who helps all to cross over
969) savitaa: The father of all
970) prapitaamahah: The father of the father of beings (Brahma)
971) yajnah: One whose very nature is yajna
972) yajnapatih: The Lord of all yajnas
973) yajvaa: The one who performs yajna
974) yajnaangah: One whose limbs are the things employed in yajna
975) yajnavaahanah: One who fulfils yajnas in complete
976) yajnabhrid: The ruler of the yajanas
977) yajnakrit: One who performs yajna
978) yajnee: Enjoyer of yajnas
979) yajnabhuk: Receiver of all that is offered
980) yajnasaadhanah: One who fulfils all yajnas
981) yajnaantakrit: One who performs the concluding act of the yajna
982) yajnaguhyam: The person to be realised by yajna
983) annam: One who is food
984) annaadah: One who eats the food
985) aatmayonih: The uncaused cause
986) svayamjaatah: Self-born
987) vaikhaanah: The one who cut through the earth
988) saamagaayanah: One who sings the sama songs; one who loves hearing saama chants;
989) devakee-nandanah: Son of Devaki
990) srashtaa: Creator
991) kshiteeshah: The Lord of the earth
992) paapa-naashanah: Destroyer of sin
993) samkha-bhrit: One who has the divine Pancajanya
994) nandakee: One who holds the Nandaka sword
995) chakree: Carrier of Sudarsana
996) shaarnga-dhanvaa: One who aims His shaarnga bow
997) gadaadharah: Carrier of Kaumodakee club
998) rathaanga-paanih: One who has the wheel of a chariot as His weapon; One with the strings of the chariot in his hands;
999) akshobhyah: One who cannot be annoyed by anyone
1000) sarva-praharanaayudhah: He who has all implements for all kinds of assault and fight