Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ganga Yamuna Sangam - Sai Charanam

A great incident when baba blessed dasganu with ganga and  yamuna at his charanam. 

Once dasganu wanted to go on pilgrimage to Prayag the place where ganga and yamuna merge as one considered as very sacred pilgrim place. Dasganu went to baba to seek his permission. When he came to baba, baba told him that there is no need to go anywhere for a true disciple. He can find everything at his guru's feet only. Saying thus Baba blessed dasganu by showing the ganga, yamuna at his feet.

Let us analyse what baba is trying to say. Baba is saying that there is no need to go anywhere neither pilgrimage nor dipping in rivers like ganga, yamuna etc. For a true disciple everything is at his guru's feet only. He can get the same result of doing pilgirmages and dipping in various sacred rivers by just serving his guru. Guru is everything.

After this incident dasganu was overwhelmed with joy and sang that for him (and a true disciple)  shirdi itself is pandaripur and baba himself is pandurang. Baba so many times blessed  his devotees with that particular form in whatever form they prayed or done puja to him. He told "as you sow, so you reap", "As you have feeling in your mind, so is your experience". For people who prayed him as dattatreya, he has given darshan as dattatreya, for who looked Sriram in him, he gave darshan as sriram, for a person who had seen his guru in baba, baba blessed him with his guru darshan. 

The essence of this is that it is enough to hold sai charanam rather than wasting time moving here and there.
Sai Charanam will release us from the bonds of life and death. It will bless us to realise Sai. It will show us the path to realise the formless brahman which has taken the form as sai. It will purify us from all the sins and mistakes we have committed in this birth and all the previous births. It will cleanse and purify us at all levels.

Let us all hold to Sai Charanam without further wasting a single second, by whose grace we are bound to cross this ocean of samsara very easily. Those who have understood this truth by the grace of baba are really blessed. 

Pray baba to bless us all in realising this truth.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.