So if we have the realisation that river and sea are not different, then which ever river we sail will not create any problem and definetly make us reach to the sea. Of course till we reach the sea, just like the river, we have to traverse through so many mountains,paths,villages,fields, plains,plateaus etc. Just because the river is shallow at some places and furious at some places, if we quit our sail, we may not reach the sea.
Even if we start migrating from one river to another river also, we may not reach the sea. Today I sail on river1 for some distance, then change my mind and sail on river2 the next day. This will not help me in reaching the sea and I will be in the circle of always migration from river to river, but can never reach the sea.
Similarly, I may go to any teacher, if I can see my guru in that teacher, I will realise that there are no two but only one. There is no question of duality. If I am able to see duality, I didnt understood my master correctly. So I need to correct myself and understand the basics once again, that is "He is present in all the forms of this universe". Once we understand this, then there is no question of argument, debate, doubt or anything.
Everything means literally everything even a smallest atom to the largest mountain or anything has his presence inside it. Without him the Universe itself doesnt exist. There is only One that is Him and the day we realise this, we have understood him and if we are able to see two, we need to work on the basics again.
May we understood this basic with the blessings of him.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Loka Samastha Sukhinobavanthu. Sarve Jana Sukhinobavanthu.